- CA ON00131 00766-3-6-32022189080449.jpg
- Item
- 1937
Parte de Superior Engravers collection
Item is a photograph of the showroom at McLaren Motor Sales Limited, 70 John Street North, Hamilton.
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Parte de Superior Engravers collection
Item is a photograph of the showroom at McLaren Motor Sales Limited, 70 John Street North, Hamilton.
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Parte de Superior Engravers collection
Item is a photograph of the used car department and General Motors factory branch at McLaren Motor Sales Limited, 175 King Street West, Hamilton.
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Sellens & Dotzenrod Ford Sales & Service
Parte de Superior Engravers collection
Item is a photograph of two employees, Miss Broderick and Mrs. Marshall seated at their desks at Sellens & Dotzenrod Ford Sales & Service, 74-78 John Street North.
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Parte de Superior Engravers collection
Item is a photograph of the showroom at McLaren Motor Sales Limited, 70 John Street North, Hamilton.
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