Automobile showrooms -- Ontario -- Hamilton



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Automobile showrooms -- Ontario -- Hamilton

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Automobile showrooms -- Ontario -- Hamilton

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Automobile showrooms -- Ontario -- Hamilton

4 Descripción archivística resultados para Automobile showrooms -- Ontario -- Hamilton

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McLaren Motor Sales Ltd.

Item is a photograph of the showroom at McLaren Motor Sales Limited, 70 John Street North, Hamilton.

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Oldsmobile showroom (John St. N., Hamilton, Ont.)

Item is an image of the showroom windows of General Motors Products of Canada, 68-72 John Street North, which are painted with signs for Oldsmobile automobiles. Top left is an advertisement for neighboring car dealership, Sellens & Dotzenrod Ford Sales & Service,74-78 John Street North.

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McLaren Motor Sales Ltd.

Item is a photograph of the showroom at McLaren Motor Sales Limited, 70 John Street North, Hamilton.

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