Hamilton (Ont.)



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Hamilton (Ont.)

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Hamilton (Ont.)

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Hamilton (Ont.)

5 Archival description results for Hamilton (Ont.)

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Weaver Coal Co.

Item is a photograph of a worker filling a Gillies-Guy Fuel Oil truck at the Weaver Coal and Oil Company storage dock at the foot of Victoria Ave. The headquarters for Gillies-Guy was located at 65 James Street South.

Superior Engravers

Leather Cartage Company

Item is an image of a driver and his Leather Cartage Company truck (#201). Harold Hamilton Leather was born on May 23, 1893 in Hamilton, Ontario. He established his own company, Leather Cartage in 1924 in Hamilton, which was sold in the 1950s, with Leather remaining a director until his death in 1981.

Superior Engravers