Walter Peace - Landscapes of Victorian Hamilton
- 6-50
- Item
- 1992
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Landscapes of Victorian Hamilton," by speaker Walter Peace.
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Walter Peace - Landscapes of Victorian Hamilton
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Landscapes of Victorian Hamilton," by speaker Walter Peace.
Robert Stamp - History of the Q.E.W.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of the Q.E.W.," by Robert Stamp.
Reverend W.K. Pottinger - St. Pauls
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "St. Paul's," by Reverend W.K. Pottinger.
Reverend W.K. Pottinger - St. Paul's
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "St. Paul's," by Reverend W.K. Pottinger.
Material consists of 1 audio cassette recording (topic unknown), by speaker Reverend Ferris.
Series consists of records relating to the Fountain Foundation Subcommittee. The Foundation was established in 1993 between the Society, corporations and members of the general public, in an effort to restore and rebuild the 1850s Gore Park fountain for Hamilton’s sesquicentennial celebration in 1996. The series contains project background information on the history of the fountain and its importance to Hamilton, copies of a proposal for the restoration of the fountain, meeting minutes, reports, financial and budget statements, balance sheets, fundraising event information, agreements made for work on the fountain and for contributions to the fund, correspondence, as well as marketing materials. The series also contains an audio cassette tape of public service announcements (PSAs), for local radio stations Y108 and 900 CHML, as well as photographs of the event held for the rededication of the Gore Park fountain. The Foundation raised over $500,000 for the reconstruction of the fountain and in October of 1996, the reconstructed fountain was turned back on by then mayor Robert Morrow and Hamilton area MPP Sheila Copps.
Series consists of scrapbooks containing articles related to the Society or its members, as well as articles on various historical landmarks, people, companies, properties and events. There are also newspaper clippings containing articles on a Hamilton Spectator series called “Out of the Storied Past,” written by Society member Mabel Burkholder. This series also contains 6 video cassette tapes of television coverage of Society events and interviews regarding historical subjects related to the history of Hamilton.
Promotional Materials and Publications
Series consists of marketing materials such as letterhead, brochures, book launch publication announcements, correspondence related to the Illustrated History of Hamilton publication, an index to the volumes of the “Wentworth Bygones from the Papers and Records of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society,” published between 1956 to 1982, as well as newsletter guidelines pertaining to the Herald Newsletter, published by the Society.
Series consists of records relating to the programs and events held by the Society including its annual Heritage Day Dinner, presentations made to the Society by various speakers from the community on local history topics, day trips and outings to various historical sites, historic plaque unveilings, as well as participation in local events. This series includes member invitation cards announcing upcoming Society meetings, lecture series, events and day trips. The series also includes audio cassette tapes of speakers’ addresses and lectures at various events and functions on topics related to Hamilton history such as landmarks, buildings, companies, prominent citizens, and places. The series contains photographs of tours and outings such as day trips taken by Society members including a bus tour of Hamilton, a day trip to Crawford Lake Indian Village, and a trip to Seagram Museum and Doon Heritage Village. There are also photographs of the Annual Heritage Dinners, Society representation at events around the city, as well as historic plaque unveilings for various people and places including prominent citizen Thomas Baker McQuesten of Whitehern, which featured dignitaries in attendance such as then mayor Robert Morrow and her Royal Highness Princess Anne.
Peggy Savage - History of St. Joseph's Hospital
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of St. Joseph's Hospital," by speaker Peggy Savage.
Paul Garrick - History of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry - Heritage Dinner
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry," by speaker Paul Garrick, during the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's Heritage Dinner.
Newsroom 11 Coverage of Dundurn Party and the Mayor's Swim
Material consists of a video recording of Newsroom 11's coverage of the Dundurn Party and the Mayor's Swim.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The MacNab Circle," by speaker Murray Aikman.
Mr. Wilkenson - A Religious Education
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "A Religious Education," by Mr. Wilkenson.
Miss Judith McErval - Eaton's in Hamilton
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Eaton's in Hamilton," by Miss Judith McErval.
Miss Greenfield and Mr. S. Leslie - Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of an annual meeting (unspecified), by Miss Greenfield and Mr. S. Leslie.
Michael Quigley - Hamilton Market
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Hamilton Market," by speaker Michael Quigley.
Material consists of 1 incomplete audio recording of a unspecified meeting.
Mark Mindorff - Early Days of Hamilton Hydro
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Early Days of Hamilton Hydro," by speaker Mark Mindorff.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Dundurn," by speaker Marion MacRae.
Margaret Houghton - Heritage Dinner
Material consists of 1 audio recording by Margaret Houghton during the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's Heritage Dinner.
Linda Sutherland - Archives Care
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Archives Care," by speaker Linda Sutherland.
Material consists of 1 audio recording (topic unknown), by speaker Larry Fletcher.
John Best - Old Movie Footage Commentary
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Old Movie Footage Commentary," by speaker John Best.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Colonel McQueen," by speaker Joe Chapman.
Janine Hendricks - The Welland Canal
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Welland Canal," by speaker Janine Hendricks.
Ian Kerr-Wilson - The Steam Pump House Museum
The material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Steam Pump House Museum," by speaker Ian Kerr-Wilson.
Huey Lewis, the Neville Brothers at the Diamond Club, Toronto
Material consists of a video recording of Huey Lewis and the Neville Brothers at the Diamond Club, Toronto, Ontario.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Photograph Collection
Series consists of a collection of original photographs, photograph prints, contact sheets and negatives including glass plate negatives, of various people, places, buildings, companies, parks, monuments, landscapes, beach scenes, historic sites, streetscapes, transportation, and events such as celebrations, ceremonies and parades, all relating to Hamilton and its history. Some of these images were donated to the Society and others were collected by various members. Many of these images were used in Society publications such as “Around and About Hamilton, 1785-1985”, and “Hamilton: Panorama of Our Past.” This series also contains 13 postcards with photograph images. There is no image file list for this material.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society meeting.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society General Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's general meeting.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society fonds
The fonds consists of predominantly textual and graphic materials pertaining to the organization’s exploration, preservation and promotion of local Hamilton history, restoration projects, events, promotional materials and publications. The fonds contains ten series including, administrative records, financial records, committee records, correspondence, restoration projects, programs and events, awards and recognition, promotional materials and publications, publicity, and photographs and negatives. The fonds contains audio and video cassettes featuring lectures and presentations on various historical topics, as well as recordings and publicity for special events.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting.
Harvey McCullogh - Reminiscences
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Reminiscences," by speaker Harvey McCullogh, during the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting.
Gordon Thede - Ludwick Wideman
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Ludwick Wideman," by speaker Gordon Thede.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Bruce Trail," by speaker Frank Birch.
Series consists of records relating to the incorporation status of the Society for heritage grant funding applications, annual financial statements, cash books and a record book of paid membership fees.
Dr. Robert Storey - Hamilton's Labour History
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Hamilton's Labour History," by Dr. Robert Storey, during the annual meeting of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society.
Dr. Numbers - Hamilton Auto Club History
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Hamilton Auto Club History," by Dr. Numbers.
Dr. Noonan - History of Hamilton General Hospital
Material consists of 1 audio recording on the "History of the General Hospital," by Dr. Noonan.
Dr. John Weaver - Early Hamilton Apartments
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Early Hamilton Apartments," by Dr. John Weaver.
Dr. John Johnson - History of MacNab Street Church
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of MacNab Street Church," by Dr. John Johnson.
Don Oliphant - Hess Street School
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Hess Street School," by speaker Don Oliphant.
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Dennis Missett - Photography in Victorian Times
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Photography in Victorian Times," by speaker Dennis Missett.
Dave Jardine - West Hamilton History
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "West Hamilton History," by speaker Dave Jardine.
Darryl Buckle - Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording on the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting, by Darryl Buckle.
Series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence between the Society and other historical societies and organizations, funding agencies, levels of government, as well as the general public. The series also includes public reference requests, which are predominantly genealogical in nature. Some documents are fragile and torn.
Series consists of records such as agendas and meeting minutes, guidelines of conduct, correspondence and reports from the various committees of the Society including the Archives Committee, the Hamilton Biography Advisory Committee, the Historical Committee, the June Outing Committee, the Marketing Committee, Newsletter Committee, Publications Committee, Public Relations Committee, the Old City Hall Clock Restoration Committee, and the Seniors Committee. The series also contains 2 photographs of the members of the Publications Committee, dated 1994.
Cindy LeBrocqu - Pioneer Gardens, 1790-1860
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Pioneer Gardens, 1790-1860," by speaker Cindy LeBrocqu.
Cheryl MacDonald - Adelaide Hoodless
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Adelaide Hoodless," by speaker Cheryl MacDonald.
Carolyn Gray - Sir John Gibson
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Sir John Gibson," by speaker Carolyn Gray.
Captain Archie Hodge - The Finding of the Hamilton and Scourge
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Finding of the Hamilton and the Scourge," by Captain Archie Hodge.
Cable 4 Television Coverage of the Garden Party
Material consists of a video recording of Cable 4 television coverage of the Garden Party featuring B.J. Coyle with S.R. Leslie and Darryl Buckle, and the Strathcona Reunion.
Material consists of a video recording of a Cable 4 Interview (subject unknown).
Cable 4 Community Update with Ron Spears
Material consists of a video recording of a Cable 4 Community Update with Ron Spears.
Cable 14 Ward 5 Report with Shirley Collings and Reg Wheeler
Material consists of a video recording of a Cable 14 Ward 5 Report with Shirley Collings and Reg Wheeler.
Awards Presentations - Story of John Herbert Caddy
Material consists of 1 audio recording on the "Story of John Herbert Caddy," during the awards presentations.
Series consists of awards presented to the Society for the publication “Around and About Hamilton, 1785-1985, an award for the Society’s assistance in celebrating the bicentennial year, as well as a certificate from David Christopherson, M.P.P. for Hamilton Centre, on the occasion of the Society’s 65th anniversary in February 2009, and 2 photographs of Society volunteers receiving service awards. The series also consists of a file on former President and founding member of the Society, Thomas Melville Bailey (1912-2005). The material includes biographical information, highlights of his numerous contributions to Hamilton heritage preservation, references to some of the many books he authored and published, as well information on the Reverend T. Melville Bailey Heritage Award that was created in his honour by the City of Hamilton and the Hamilton Mountain Heritage Society, to recognize people in the community who devote their time to preserving and promoting Hamilton’s history.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Tin Ceilings," by speaker Anne Gillespie.
Alice Bell Robertson - The Bank of Hamilton
Material consists of 1 audio cassette recording on "The Bank of Hamilton," by speaker Alice Bell Robertson.
Series consists of records pertaining to the administrative operations of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society, including the Society’s Constitution and by-laws, executive officer’s lists, duties and guidelines, minutes for regular, executive and annual meetings, president’s reports, loan and transfer of ownership agreements for historical material, as well as 2 administrative seals, one belonging to the former Wentworth Historical Society, and one belonging to the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society. There is also one stamp with the inscription, “Property of Wentworth Historical Society, Hamilton, Ontario.” The series also contains a file with 4 photographs of past presidents and executive members of the Society for the years 1982, 1983, 1988 and 1989.