Affichage de 94 résultats

Description archivistique
Brookes, Ivan S.
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1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Manuscript: Hamilton Harbour 1826-1901

Series consists of Ivan Brookes’ unpublished manuscript for Hamilton Harbour 1826-1901. The manuscript includes maps, drawings, photographs, and chapters.

Historical Books

Series consists of 2 Stelco Anniversary Books: The 25th Milestone: A Brief History of Stelco the Steel Company of Canada Limited 1910-1935 and 50th Anniversary Issue Stelco Flashes 1910-1960.

Brookes, Ivan S.

  • collection

The fonds consists of Ivan Brookes’ unpublished manuscript for Hamilton Harbour 1826-1901, two Stelco anniversary booklets: The 25th Milestone: A Brief History of Stelco the Steel Company of Canada Limited 1910-1935 and 50th Anniversary Issue Stelco Flashes 1910-1960 and a scrapbook of images used in the manuscript.