Series consists of records of meeting minutes for the Executive Committee, as well as meeting minutes for various committees. Earlier committees included ones concerning agriculture, exports, taxation, public safety, retail, finance, street naming and numbering, elections and city planning among others. Modern committees included the Agenda for Action, the Ambassador Committee, the Business Development Committee, the Civic Centre Arena Project, the Community Based Employment Adjustment Committee, the Education and Skills Training Subcommittee, the Federal/Provincial Affairs Committee, the Finance and Taxation Committee, the Foreign Trade Subcommittee, the General Committee, the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan Committee, the Hamilton Harbour Task Force, the Hospitality Committee, the Human Resources Committee, the Industrial Liaison and Zoning Committee, Publicity Committee, REACH (Regional Employment and Adjustment Committee of Hamilton-Wentworth), the Small Business Subcommittee, Tourism and Conventions Development Task Force, and the Transportation Committee. Some of the minutes have incomplete years. This series also contains two photographs from the file on the Transportation Services Committee pertaining to the Instaglide, which was a train model for rapid transit from the Instaglide Transportation Corporation.