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Description archivistique
Logie, Alexander
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Logie-McQuesten papers

  • CA ON00131 00005
  • collection
  • 1822-1948

Fonds consists of textual records relating predominantly to William Logie (1782-1853) and his son, Alexander Logie (1823-1873), Dr. Calvin McQuesten (1801-1885) an iron founder and manufacturer, and his son, lawyer Isaac Baldwin McQuesten (1847-1888), and the Logie-McQuesten law practice, its associates and clients. The records include business transactions such as mortgages, promissory notes, debentures, agreements, receipts and statement of accounts, legal records such as court documents, power of attorney records, estate papers and client files, property records such as land grants, deeds and leases, as well as correspondence and household account books.

Sans titre

Logie Papers

The subfonds consists of textual records pertaining mostly to Alexander Logie and his law practice, arranged in the following series: Business transaction records, legal records, correspondence, household account books, maps and genealogical records

Sans titre