Alice Bell Robertson - The Bank of Hamilton
- 6-14
- Item
- 1981
Material consists of 1 audio cassette recording on "The Bank of Hamilton," by speaker Alice Bell Robertson.
Alice Bell Robertson - The Bank of Hamilton
Material consists of 1 audio cassette recording on "The Bank of Hamilton," by speaker Alice Bell Robertson.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Tin Ceilings," by speaker Anne Gillespie.
Awards Presentations - Story of John Herbert Caddy
Material consists of 1 audio recording on the "Story of John Herbert Caddy," during the awards presentations.
Cable 14 Ward 5 Report with Shirley Collings and Reg Wheeler
Material consists of a video recording of a Cable 14 Ward 5 Report with Shirley Collings and Reg Wheeler.
Cable 4 Community Update with Ron Spears
Material consists of a video recording of a Cable 4 Community Update with Ron Spears.
Material consists of a video recording of a Cable 4 Interview (subject unknown).
Cable 4 Television Coverage of the Garden Party
Material consists of a video recording of Cable 4 television coverage of the Garden Party featuring B.J. Coyle with S.R. Leslie and Darryl Buckle, and the Strathcona Reunion.
Captain Archie Hodge - The Finding of the Hamilton and Scourge
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Finding of the Hamilton and the Scourge," by Captain Archie Hodge.
Carolyn Gray - Sir John Gibson
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Sir John Gibson," by speaker Carolyn Gray.
Cheryl MacDonald - Adelaide Hoodless
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Adelaide Hoodless," by speaker Cheryl MacDonald.
Cindy LeBrocqu - Pioneer Gardens, 1790-1860
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Pioneer Gardens, 1790-1860," by speaker Cindy LeBrocqu.
Darryl Buckle - Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording on the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting, by Darryl Buckle.
Dave Jardine - West Hamilton History
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "West Hamilton History," by speaker Dave Jardine.
Dennis Missett - Photography in Victorian Times
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Photography in Victorian Times," by speaker Dennis Missett.
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a discussion on local history (no topic identified).
Don Oliphant - Hess Street School
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Hess Street School," by speaker Don Oliphant.
Dr. John Johnson - History of MacNab Street Church
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of MacNab Street Church," by Dr. John Johnson.
Dr. John Weaver - Early Hamilton Apartments
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Early Hamilton Apartments," by Dr. John Weaver.
Dr. Noonan - History of Hamilton General Hospital
Material consists of 1 audio recording on the "History of the General Hospital," by Dr. Noonan.
Dr. Numbers - Hamilton Auto Club History
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Hamilton Auto Club History," by Dr. Numbers.
Dr. Robert Storey - Hamilton's Labour History
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Hamilton's Labour History," by Dr. Robert Storey, during the annual meeting of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Bruce Trail," by speaker Frank Birch.
Gordon Thede - Ludwick Wideman
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Ludwick Wideman," by speaker Gordon Thede.
Harvey McCullogh - Reminiscences
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Reminiscences," by speaker Harvey McCullogh, during the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's annual meeting.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society General Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's general meeting.
Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of a Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society meeting.
Huey Lewis, the Neville Brothers at the Diamond Club, Toronto
Material consists of a video recording of Huey Lewis and the Neville Brothers at the Diamond Club, Toronto, Ontario.
Ian Kerr-Wilson - The Steam Pump House Museum
The material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Steam Pump House Museum," by speaker Ian Kerr-Wilson.
Janine Hendricks - The Welland Canal
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Welland Canal," by speaker Janine Hendricks.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Colonel McQueen," by speaker Joe Chapman.
John Best - Old Movie Footage Commentary
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Old Movie Footage Commentary," by speaker John Best.
Material consists of 1 audio recording (topic unknown), by speaker Larry Fletcher.
Linda Sutherland - Archives Care
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Archives Care," by speaker Linda Sutherland.
Margaret Houghton - Heritage Dinner
Material consists of 1 audio recording by Margaret Houghton during the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's Heritage Dinner.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Dundurn," by speaker Marion MacRae.
Mark Mindorff - Early Days of Hamilton Hydro
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Early Days of Hamilton Hydro," by speaker Mark Mindorff.
Material consists of 1 incomplete audio recording of a unspecified meeting.
Michael Quigley - Hamilton Market
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The Hamilton Market," by speaker Michael Quigley.
Miss Greenfield and Mr. S. Leslie - Annual Meeting
Material consists of 1 audio recording of an annual meeting (unspecified), by Miss Greenfield and Mr. S. Leslie.
Miss Judith McErval - Eaton's in Hamilton
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Eaton's in Hamilton," by Miss Judith McErval.
Mr. Wilkenson - A Religious Education
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "A Religious Education," by Mr. Wilkenson.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The MacNab Circle," by speaker Murray Aikman.
Newsroom 11 Coverage of Dundurn Party and the Mayor's Swim
Material consists of a video recording of Newsroom 11's coverage of the Dundurn Party and the Mayor's Swim.
Paul Garrick - History of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry - Heritage Dinner
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry," by speaker Paul Garrick, during the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society's Heritage Dinner.
Peggy Savage - History of St. Joseph's Hospital
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of St. Joseph's Hospital," by speaker Peggy Savage.
Material consists of 1 audio cassette recording (topic unknown), by speaker Reverend Ferris.
Reverend W.K. Pottinger - St. Pauls
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "St. Paul's," by Reverend W.K. Pottinger.
Reverend W.K. Pottinger - St. Paul's
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "St. Paul's," by Reverend W.K. Pottinger.
Robert Stamp - History of the Q.E.W.
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "The History of the Q.E.W.," by Robert Stamp.
Walter Peace - Landscapes of Victorian Hamilton
Material consists of 1 audio recording on "Landscapes of Victorian Hamilton," by speaker Walter Peace.