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Bruce Family fonds
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Bruce Family fonds

  • collection
  • 1832-1927

The fonds consists of papers, sketches, drawings, and photographs associated with William Bruce and his son William Blair Bruce. Series one is William Bruce and series two is William Blair Bruce.

Two water colour sketches

The image on the left is titled by the artist “Original sketch in burnt umber on the Marsh” (presumably the Dundas Marsh) and is dated 1883. The image on the right is titled “Original sketch on the St. Lawrence near Brockville in Indigo” dated 1882.

A gold border

A single gold line along outside of framework on top and bottom, with white imprints of flower, branches, leaves and butterflies worked throughout a gold frame.

Flowered border

Along top: pink flowers, along left side: gold flowers, right side: gold flowers, bottom: blue flowers.

Text in French dialect

Dragon upper right side, flowers down the side across the bottom and top. Two gold lines for a frame. Versal blue “O” with gold background. Carolingian hand.

A poem inscribed to Mrs. W. Bruce

The letters of which are made to look like the bark of a tree. Poem written by John Glasgow, 1880. Decorated with flowers and scroll work. Formal italic hand.


Letter written by William Blair Bruce on Sept 30, 1886 about paying visitors to support an art union.

Copy of Mutual Will and Testament

Translated copy of Mutual Will and Testament of William Blair Bruce and his wife Carolina Maria Bruce, nee Benedicks. Written December 10, 1888.


  • CA ON00131 02-4 - 2-HPL_00507_46
  • Pièce
  • August 5, 1937
  • Fait partie de Bruce Family fonds

Letter together with envelope from Carl Benedicks to Bell Bruce Walkden (sister of Blair Bruce) August 5, 1937

List of paintings

Photocopied list of paintings by William Blair Bruce presented to the City of Hamilton.

Photocopy of a handwritten letter

“To the Reporter of the Mail & Empire…” dated January 29, 1926. May have been written by William Bruce, Blair Bruce’s father.

Unidentified photo

Students in art school class (Hamilton Art School) located on the second floor above the Hamilton Public Library which occupied those rooms from January 1890 to September 1909. Fred H. Sharp photographer stamped on the back.

Unidentified photo

Students in art school class. Fred H. Sharp photographer stamped on the back

Untitled pencil sketch

This may be a preliminary sketch for the oil painting entitled “Time Passes” painted around 1883-1884.

Two water colour scenes of boat in water

The one on the left is titled by the artist “Original sketch in Lamp Black of Burlington Bay” and has an artist note “time 15 minutes” and the image on the right is titled “Original sketch in Bistre, Burlington Bay” and is dated 1883.

Leaves and branches

Leaves and branches up right side, butterfly on the lower left side, caterpillar on the lower right side, leaves in between.

Deep rich coloured border of triangle shapes

Deep rich coloured border of triangle shapes along the sides and rectangular shapes along the top and bottom. Blue triangles inner top margin, pink triangles inner bottom margin. A single flower in each shape along the outside margins.

Arrangement of gold leaves with pink

Arrangement of gold leaves with pink and a combination of blue and white flowers surrounding an open concept top with a three-sided frame done in two lines of blue. Writing in pencil appears on back: copied from memory from a calendar at Clerey Museum 13th century.

Simple border of straight lines

Blue flowers with spray of leaves arranged only at the corners. Pencil sketch of leaves appears inside frame work at bottom.

Poem titled Capri

Done in red lettering, ivy leaves with blue branches surrounding the word. Three red capitals, three blue capitals, border lines of red and gold, small ivy leaves throughout poem and at bottom. Carolingian hand.


  • CA ON00131 02-4 - 2-HPL_00507_45
  • Pièce
  • December 12, 1897
  • Fait partie de Bruce Family fonds

Letter written by William Blair Bruce to his mother and father on December 12, 1897 concerning news of the day. Transcription copy with original.


Letter from the Art Gallery of Hamilton to Bell Bruce Walkden December 12, 1953 inviting her to the opening of the new gallery.


  • CA ON00131 02-4 - 2-HPL_00507_51
  • Pièce
  • April 23, 1964
  • Fait partie de Bruce Family fonds

Photocopied letter from Richard Apted to Miss Farmer regarding the proposed plaque for William Bruce Memorial. Dated April 23, 1964.


Programme for the unveiling of the Blair Bruce Memorial Plaque, Monday August 10 (probably 1964).

Transcribed Pages

6 handwritten pages transcribing an article entitled “Criticism of Blair Bruce’s work at his Stockholm Exhibition.” Transcription is incomplete.

Transcription Hamilton Spectator article

The is an undated photocopy of a typed transcription of an article that was published in the Hamilton Spectator titled “A Successful Hamilton Artist.”

Two water colour scenes.

The left image is titled by artist “Original sketch in Indian Red” dated 1883 and the image on the right is titled “Original sketch in Hookers Green.”

Pencil and pen sketch of a framed border

Pencil and pen sketch of a framed border with a dragon at the top left-hand corner, branches and leaves extending all the way around. On the back is written “address.”

Straight line border with small curves inward

Straight line border with small curves inward, two in the middle of the border line and one at the bottom margin. Line curves outward at top with swirls of blue leaves and two red flowers on either side. Two gold semi-circles on the inside at the bottom on each corner of the border.

Books by William Blair Bruce

"Minnesutstalling W. Blair Bruce Konstakademlen" 1907
"Exposition Retrospective de L'oeuvre de W. Blair Bruce" 1907


Written by William Blair Bruce around 1886 proposing an art union.


Letter together with envelope from Carl Benedicks to Bell Bruce Walkden dated Sept 27, 1951

Unidentified photo

Students in art school class. Fred H. Sharp photographer stamped on the back

Two images of the Battle of Stoney Creek

Written in the lower right corner “Preliminary sketches by W. Blair Bruce for the Battle of Stoney Creek before he went to study in Paris and on that account he never finished the picture after designing it. W Bruce”

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