- CA ON00131 00766-2-7-32022189080191.jpg
- Item
- 1948-11-13
Part of Superior Engravers collection
Item is an image of employees Mrs. Jaqueline Schneider, George Bossence, Gordon Watt (standing on right) at Russell T. Kelley Company Limited.
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Part of Superior Engravers collection
Item is an image of employees Mrs. Jaqueline Schneider, George Bossence, Gordon Watt (standing on right) at Russell T. Kelley Company Limited.
Russell T. Kelley Limited - Service Letter Shop
Part of Superior Engravers collection
Item is an image of employees Mrs. Jaqueline Schneider, George Bossence, and Gordon Watt (standing on right) at Russell T. Kelly Company Limited.
Superior Engravers