Affichage de 1259 résultats

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149 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Parks, Series 18

The series consists of postcards related to the City of Hamilton's parks, including Ainseley, Confederation, Dundurn, Gage, Gore, Lakeland Beach, Landsdowne, Reservoir, the Royal Botanical Gardens, Sam Lawrence, and Woodland.

Military, Series 15

Series consist of postcards that showcase Hamilton’s military history, in particular the 91st Highlanders, military parades throughout the city, and the armoury on James Street North.

Postcard Collection

  • CA ON00131 HPL_PC
  • Collection
  • 1900s-2000s

The Postcard Collection is an artificial collection consisting of over 800 postcards documenting the City of Hamilton and surrounding areas. The collection has been arranged by subjects into 32 series: Advertising, Aldershot, Ancaster, Bartonville, Bridges, Business & Industry, Cemeteries, Centennial Week, Dundas, Farmers' Market, Fire, Greetings, Grimsby Beach, Historic Houses, Military, Mount Hope, Parades, Parks, People, Public & Commercial Buildings, Religion, Rockton, Schools, Sports, Statues, Stoney Creek, Streets, Transportation, Views from Above, Waterdown, Waterfalls, and Waterfront.

Elastic Cotton Products

“Elastic Cotton Products are among the hardest hit under the present tariff structure. The specialty products produced by Hamilton Cotton Company and other Canadian mills are being undersold in the Canadian market by the “dumping” tactics of Japanese and U.S. manufacturers. Sarah Liota of Hamilton Cottons illustrates the variety of elastics and webbing which the textile mills normally supply to the clothing and knitting trades.” Photograph by Tom Bochsler

Cloth Inspection

Captioned by the Hamilton Cotton Company: “Cloth Inspection is an important aspect of the quality and workmanship which primary mills such as the Hamilton Cotton Company assure Canadian processors. All yardage is given careful inspection to check quality, and uniformity of the finished cotton cloth. Severe price competition from foreign producers has curtailed production of cotton cloth for industrial, apparel, footwear and other end uses. Photograph by Tom Bochsler

Maria Drescher operating loom

Captioned by the Hamilton Cotton Company: “Modern Swiss-made looms turn out millions of yards of cotton elastics and webbing for wearing apparel and industrial uses. Maria Drescher operates one of the new high-speed looms in the Hamilton Cotton Company’s main plant in Hamilton.” Photograph by Tom Bochsler

Alex Lejnieks seated by machine

Captioned by Hamilton Cotton Company: “New quality control equipment like this evenness tester determines the uniformity of the cotton before it is spun into cotton yarn and woven into cloth or knit goods. Alex Lejnieks checks cotton yarn by this electronic device at Hamilton Cotton Company Limited.” Photograph by Tom Bochsler

Maria Drescher operating loom

Captioned by Hamilton Cotton Company: “Modern Swiss-made looms turn out millions of yards of cotton elastics and webbing for wearing apparel and industrial uses. Maria Drescher operates one of the new high-end looms in the Hamilton Cotton Company main plant at Hamilton.” Photograph by Tom Bochsler.

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 1259