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Series consists of issues of The Portfolio, the periodical of Wesleyan Ladies' College. The Portfolio was produced by Wesleyan students in the Senior and Junior Literary Societies, with contributions from alumnae. Series includes a bound edition of The Portfolio, which contains issues 1:1 to 2:9, as well as single issues ranging from 1:6 to 15:6, with exceptions.

Photographic negatives

Series consists of photographic negatives, the majority of which pertain to industry and commerce in Hamilton and elsewhere in Ontario during the 1930s-1950s. Many images in the series document wartime activity in industrial plants, such as the preparation of packages for soldiers and the Miss War Worker contest of 1942. Series includes images of schools, including McMaster University, the High School of Commerce, and Westdale Secondary School; other local sites, such as the Royal Botanical Gardens and Municipal Swimming Pool; and local churches. Series also depicts employees, products, facilities and activities of businesses, including Stelco, Hamilton Works Council, Sawyer Massey Co., Westinghouse, Hamilton Bridgeworks, Burlington Steel, Harry Adler Furniture Co., Central Garage, R.T. Kelley Inc., Canadian Canners, Steel Co. Canada, Hamilton Hydro, Duff's Meat Store, the Pigott Building, Dominion Rubber Co., Consumer's Lumber Co. Ltd., Hamilton Cotton Co., the Royal Connaught Hotel, Canadian Steamship Lines, United-Carr Fastener Co. Hamilton Ltd., Green's Furniture Store, Lou Davison Clothing Store, Perga Containers, Hursts' Furniture Store, Tresidder Brothers Ltd., Hugh Bertram & Sons in Dundas, Dominion Foundries & Steel, Galt Metal Industries, Hamilton Bridge Company, Hayes Steel Products Ltd., McKinnon Industries in St. Catharines, Stokes Rubber in Welland. Series also contains images pertaining to associations and teams, such as the Women's League of Health & Beauty, National Steel Car War Veteran's Association, McLaren Motor Sales hockey team, and the Falcons Hockey Team in St. Catharines. There are also images documenting events, such as the royal visit in 1939, and the Miss Canada Pageant in 1948. Series includes copy negatives of Columbia Records advertising materials and album covers from the 1940s.