Sepulchral monuments -- Ontario -- St. Ann's



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Sepulchral monuments -- Ontario -- St. Ann's

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Sepulchral monuments -- Ontario -- St. Ann's

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Sepulchral monuments -- Ontario -- St. Ann's

1 Archivistische beschrijving results for Sepulchral monuments -- Ontario -- St. Ann's

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St. Ann's Cemetery

Caption: "St. Ann's Pioneers Rest Here - Burials in the historic old St. Ann's Cemetery date back to 1797, perhaps even earlier than that. One little monument bears this inscription: "In memory of Ann, daughter of John and Charity Kennedy, who died February 10, 1797, aged six years, 11 months, and 10 days." A column marks the burial place of the Rev. D. W. Eastman, father of the Presbyterian Church in the Niagara and Gore districts, who died in 1865 at the age of 87 years."

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