- ArchiefJimmy Lomax fonds
- Reeks5 - Photographs
- 93 more...
- StukHPL_01031_00258s to HPL_01031_00265s - Santa Visits to Families
- StukHPL_01031_00266s to HPL_01031_00278 - Santa Visits to Families
- StukHPL_01031_00279s to HPL_01031_00283s - Santa Visits to Institutions and Organizations
- StukHPL_01031_00284L - Santa Visits to Institutions and Organizations
- StukHPL_01031_00285s to HPL_01031_00290s - Santa Visits to Institutions and Organizations
- StukHPL_01031_00291s to HPL_01031_00305s - Santa Visits to Institutions and Organizations
- StukHPL_01031_00306s to HPL_01031_00311s - Santa Visits to Institutions and Organizations
- StukHPL_01031_00312s - Santa Visits to Institutions and Organizations
- StukHPL_01031_00313s to HPL_01031_00316s - Santa Visits to Institutions and Organizations
- 109 more...