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Affichage de 6 résultats

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6 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Opera Hamilton fonds

  • 00910
  • collection
  • 1980 - 2014

The fonds consists of the administrative records of Opera Hamilton, and includes the following 5 series: Administrative Records, Hamilton Opera Guild, History of Opera Hamilton, Opera Productions, and Publicity.

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Hamilton Musical Arts Society

  • CA ON00131 01108
  • collection
  • 1938 - 1949

The fonds consists of administrative records pertaining to the Hamilton Musical Arts Society; in particular, by-laws, minutes, members lists, performance programs, and press releases.

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Royal Court Entertainers

  • CA ON00131 01109
  • collection
  • 1937 - 1941

The fonds consists of administrative records pertaining to the Royal Court Entertainers of Hamilton; in particular, membership lists, correspondence, financial records, posters, and newspaper clippings.

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Hamilton Savoyard Operatic Society fonds

  • 00729
  • collection
  • 1929 - 1971

The fonds consists of the administrative records and production materials of the Hamilton Savoyard Operatic Society. The fonds includes the following 5 series:

Series 1: Governance
Series 2: Administrative Records
Series 3: Correspondence
Series 4: Production
Series 5: Publicity

Royal Hamilton College of Music fonds

  • CA ON00131 00615
  • collection
  • 1904 - 1970

The donation consists of letters patent incorporating the Hamilton Conservatory of Music, by-laws and minutes, financial records and statements, insurance, mortgage statements, invoices, quotes for maintenance work, applications, syllabi, reunion lists, appreciation and honorary fellowship certificates, and correspondence.

The fonds consists of records of the Royal Hamilton College of Music and includes the following series: governance, administrative records, education, financial records, minutes, correspondence and publicity. ᅠ

Sans titre

Hamilton Opera Company

  • 00036
  • collection

The fonds consists of records of the Hamilton Opera Company, and includes the following four series: Administrative records, correspondence, production and publicity.