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War Service records

Series consists of an honour roll, a commemorative volume containing information about relatives of members of the Betram Hooper/ Wentworth Chapter who served in the Canadian military. Records include the following information about military personnel: name and rank, birth date, parents, whether they were of United Empire Loyalist descent, marital status, where and when they volunteered, home unit, present unit, training location, and details about their military service, including promotions and honours received. All those included in the volume were born between 1903-1923. Records are arranged in alphabetical order according to the individual's last name.

Local History & Archives' photographic prints from nitrate negatives

In the 1980s, it was discovered that some of the negatives in the Superior Engravers collection were nitrate. Series consists of prints made from nitrate negatives prior to their destruction. Images in this series depict industry in Hamilton and elsewhere in Ontario during the 1930s-1950s. Companies documented in the series include Wright Fruit Company; Hamilton Pure Milk Dairies; Crawford Cartage; Meaks and Sons Limited; Life Savers & Beech-Nut Sale Company Limited; McLaren Motor Sales; General Motors of Canada; Goodale Transport Limited; Lloyd's Glass Co.; and Shoe Clinic Ltd. Series includes images of equipment, vehicles and buildings; products and displays and showrooms; and office interiors.

Local History & Archives' photographic prints

Series consists of photographic prints made from negatives in the Superior Engravers collection for the Hamilton Public Library, Local History and Archives department. Series contains images of equipment, vehicles, buildings, products, displays and showrooms for various businesses in Hamilton and the surrounding area. Some of the businesses represented in the series include Firth Brothers Ltd., G.V. Clancy Limited, Consumers' Lumber Company, Hamilton Mill Stock & Metal Company, Hobbs Glass Limited, International Business Machine Co., Russell T. Kelley Limited, Mac's Garage, and White Motor Co. of Canada.

Marriage Contracts

Subseries consists of a marriage contract between Captain William Logie and Anne Smith, who wed in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 8th, 1822.


Series consist of one hand-drawn map of Italy that was drawn by Alexander Logie.

General Orders

Series consists of various general orders to the militia companies from different headquarters or brigade offices, informing officers commanding troops that no men absent without leave shall receive pay or rations, and men absent with leave (furlough), shall not be given rations, dated at Brantford, February 20, 1839. The same document contains another order stating that no men in the cavalry shall use their horses or wagons for anything other than military purposes, as the men and horses are paid by the government for the public service, not for personal service, dated at Brantford, February 22, 1839. There is a District General Order from January 15, 1839, instructing that weekly returns of the militia corps are to be transmitted to Colonel Halkett, Assistant Military Secretary at Toronto, signed by C. Foster, dated March 6, 1839, an order relating to the return of arms and ammunition, dated at Toronto, May 19, 1839, and an order from the Brigade Office in Drummondville, instructing No. 2 Company of the First Incorporated Battalion Militia to furnish a detachment with one Captain, four Sergeants and one hundred rank-and-file men, to be stationed at Fort Erie until further notice, dated August 21, 1839. There is also a District General Order relating to the apprehension of Private George Gibbs, dated at Toronto, September 10, 1839. The documents in this series are all originals, with the exception of two photocopies of the order from the Brigade Office.

Military Records

Series consists of three undated militia muster rolls including one for Captain Hatt’s Company of Volunteers of the 5th Lincoln and 2nd York Militia, which lists the names of the soldiers including Daniel McAfee and Sergeant Angus McAfee, a muster roll of Captain James Durand’s 2nd Flank Company of the 5th Lincoln Militia, which also lists Sergeant Angus McAfee and Daniel McAfee, and a roll call of Captain Andrew Kerby’s Company. There is also a partial pay list of the 5th Lincoln Militia dated December 25, 1812 to May 24, 1813, for Sergeants Angus McAfee and George Hughson, Regimental Orders from Fort Detroit dating from 1809, a Military Return for Lieutenant Robert Young’s Company, First Haldimand Militia dated June 4, 1841, detailing the number of men present on parade, absent with leave, absent without leave, and absent due to sickness, as well as a travel authorization pass for Angus McAfee, given at the police office in Montreal, Quebec, dated February 4, 1814.

Court Martial Records

Series consists of court martial proceedings for various soldiers in the First Battalion Incorporated Militia. The first record pertains to Sergeant William W. Dawson of No. 4 Company, who pleaded not guilty to the charge of “irregular and unsoldierlike conduct in having been drunk and unfit for duty,” on Saturday, February 9, 1839. The document records the proceedings and the witness testimony, as well as the guilty verdict and the punishment, which was Sergeant Dawson’s reduction of rank and pay to that of a private sentinel, dated at Hamilton, February 13, 1839. The second record pertains to Private Joseph Forster of No. 8 Company, who was ordered by Major Gourlay, commanding officer of the 1st Battalion Incorporated Militia, to stand trial for being absent without leave for a period of 10 days from June 7 to June 17, 1839. Private Forster pled guilty and was subsequently sentenced to 10 days in solitary confinement, dated at Hamilton on June 20th, 1839. The third record pertains to a proceeding to investigate a complaint from a civilian tavern keeper against three soldiers from the militia, accused of stealing logs of wood on December 27, 1841. The final few records, which are undated and incomplete, pertain to Lance Sergeant Robert Thompson, charged with threatening and assaulting Sergeant Gilbert. Some of the records in this series are original and some are photocopies.

Captain James Sutherland fonds

  • collection
  • 1834-1841

The material consists of a cash book including receipts and disbursements for the steamboat Queenston, dated February 5, 1834 to November 28 1834, and for the steamboat Niagara, dated April 6, 1839 to December 23, 1841.

Sans titre


Series consists of a note from jailor, Dennis Malone, indicating he received from Sergeant Morin of the 1st Battalion Incorporated Militia, prisoners Henry Henry and Patrick Farrell, privates in the above regiment, dated at Hamilton, January 4, 1839, a note written by William Winder, Surgeon, 1st Battalion Incorporated Militia, stating that he has examined Private Joseph Forster of No. 8 Company and determined that he is fit to undergo the sentence of solitary confinement meted out by court martial, dated at Hamilton, June 21, 1839, as well as a letter written by [W.B. Roberts?], to the officer commanding the guards, mentioning that he visited the Town and Ordinance Guard by day and night and found the sentries to be on alert at their posts, dated at Hamilton, October 15, 1842. All the documents in this series are original.


Series consists of various reports including Orderly Officers’ Reports, which pertain to the inspections of the soldiers and their barracks. The officers report on the state of the men, the equipment, the food, hospital, roll call, mess hall, and the overall state of the barracks, dating from June to September 1842. The series also consists of Morning Reports for Captain Hebbes, Captain Tench, Captain Brown and Captain Lanes, which record the state of the militia each morning, including the number of soldiers under arms, on parade, on guard, sick, prisoners and casualties, dated October 18, 1842, October 20, 1842 and October 29, 1842. This series also includes one Daily Sick Report recording the names of the men, their company, whether they are in the hospital or in quarters, and the ailment they are suffering from, dated February 8, 1843. Some of the documents in this series are originals and some are photocopies of originals.

First Battalion Incorporated Militia Collection

  • collection
  • 1839-1843

The material in the collection consists of various military records including account ledgers, acquittance rolls, clearance returns, general orders, officers’ reports, morning reports, a sick report, court martial proceedings, correspondence, as well as an attestation paper.

Sans titre


Series consists of an original Day Book for the First Battalion Incorporated Militia No. 2 Company, specifically Captain Brown’s Company, dated 1840, which records the financial accounts and transactions of the soldiers, including canteen purchases of items such as clothing, boots, clay pipes, plates and cups, cutlery, brushes and combs, razors, shaving boxes, soap, towels, and blacking to polish boots. There is a separate page for each soldier which records the items along with the date, and in some cases, indicates the desertion status of some of the soldiers. The series also consists of an original account ledger for the First Battalion Incorporated Militia No. 3 Company, dating from 1842-1843, which records the amount of pay and allowances for each soldier. There are also a few acquittance rolls for Captain Leonard, Captain Tench and Captain Brown’s Companies, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Sir Allan Napier MacNab, which record the names, ranks, signatures, pay, credits and debts of each soldier, and in some cases, the articles in their possession. The series also includes some monthly clearance returns, which record similar information such as the names, ranks and signatures of each soldier, their possessions, debts and credits, as well as any remarks from the captains, including desertions. Some of the records in this series are originals, and some are photocopies of original documents.


Series consists of an advertisement for a Mechanics’ Ball to take place January 17, 1845 from the members of the Managing Committee of the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics’ Institute. There is also an announcement of lectures dated November 1848, that lists the dates and topics of each lecture, as well as the designated speaker. The topics include, but are not limited to, Mechanics’ Institutes, the influence of art and science on the wealth and character of the nation, longevity, the natural history of man, ornamental gardening, social economics, and the best way to supply towns with water. The lectures were held in the evenings at 7:30pm in the reading rooms and hall of the Institute. Members and their families were admitted free of charge, admission was charged for non-members and ladies were free.

Genealogical Records

Series consists of birth, death, and marriage information for the Barclay and Smith families, and includes a lament by Anne Logie on the death of her infant daughter, Barbara.

Power of Attorney Records

Subseries consists of power of attorney records granting Alexander Logie the power of attorney for Jane H. Logie, Sir Allan Napier MacNab, Alexander Campbell and Margaret Glen Rae Grome.

Book Manuscripts

Series consists of two original draft manuscripts written by Thomas McIlwraith. The first manuscript is for the "Birds of Ontario" [n.d.], which is a concise account of every species of bird known to have been found in Ontario, along with a description of the nests and eggs. The second manuscript is the "Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Hamilton" [1860].

Estate Papers

Subseries consists of records pertaining to the estates of Alexander Logie and William Logie, including the last will and testament of William Logie, the last will and testament of Anne Logie, as well as records related to the receipt of an inheritance by Alexander Logie, outlining the dispersal of funds given to C.S. Ross, executor of the will of William Logie. The subseries also contains statements of assets and liabilities for both William and Alexander Logie.

Property Records

Subseries consists of land ownership materials, including land grants and deeds, records documenting the transfer of land ownership, such as an indenture between George Hamilton and David Farley regarding land in Hamilton, and land grants for the Township of Harvey. Subseries also contains a memorial deed of partition, leases, a petition for a claim on land lots, a certificate of a land survey, notices for sale of properties, receipts for payment of taxes and rents, acknowledgements for receipts of land and money, as well as correspondence and lot surveys concerning the town of Preston, Ontario.

Administrative Records

Series consists of administrative records including a meeting minute book containing the proceedings of the Managing Committee of the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics’ Institute. The minutes contain a list of officers including Sir Allan Napier MacNab, M.P.P., as Patron, and Colin Campbell Ferrie, M.P.P., (who would become the first mayor of Hamilton), as President, as well as positions for treasurer, librarian, secretaries and the names of the Managing Committee members. The minutes include the establishment of the name of the Institute, the drawing up of the constitution, the solicitation of subscriptions of money and books, membership recruitment and fees, the rules and regulations, the search for locations for the Institute, expenditures, book selections and recommendations, the cataloguing of books, the circulation of books and materials, the purchasing of furniture for the reading rooms, as well as the types of events held at the Institute such as lectures and classes. The volume entries are dated March 5, 1839 to February 24, 1851. There are also some typewritten notes and transcriptions from the minute book. The series also contains a Register of Members and Books Loaned, dated 1862-1864, which records the names of the members, the number of books borrowed and the date of return. The series also contains loose-leaf documents including three copies of the Rules and Regulations of the Library of the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics’ Institute. The document lists the hours of operation for lending and receiving books, the number of materials loaned to members, the fines levied for late returns and damaged materials, as well as the responsibilities of the superintendent to ensure that the rules are observed, the fines are collected, the books are kept in good order and in the proper place, and that a report is made to the Managing Committee as to the state of the Institute’s collection. The series also contains a few membership cards and subscriptions, the terms of subscription and membership fees, some lending cards, which correspond to specific members and indicate the time period the item can be loaned before a fine is imposed including time periods of 7, 10 and 12 days, as well as an annual election card sent to a member requesting their vote on the individuals running for various offices of the Institute including the position of president, vice-president and managing directors for the year 1860.

Court Documents

Subseries consists of a court document related to a case from the State of New Hampshire, USA in the names of Edward Lerned versus Calvin McQuesten. This subseries also includes documentation from the Provincial Secretary's Office regarding Isaac Baldwin McQuesten’s Commission as Notary Public, as well as the Department of State in Ottawa regarding a release of judgment being referred to the Minister of Justice.

Client Files

Subseries consists of documentation for two clients of Alexander Logie; Donald Frederick Campbell of Brampton, Ontario, and Sir John A. MacDonald of Kingston, Ontario. The documentation for Donald F. Campbell includes receipts and correspondence related to the sale of furniture, an assurance policy and receipts for premium fees, records related to the valuation of land and certification of title for lots in Chinquaconey (now Brampton, Ontario), correspondence related to a dispute between Owen Nowlan and Alexander Logie, Richard H. Rae, Donald F. Campbell and Thomasina Catherine Campbell, as well as a marriage contract between Donald F. Campbell and Thomasina Catherine Brega. The documentation related to Sir John A. MacDonald includes deeds for lots in Moore Township, statements documenting land sales, in such locales as Dover, Moore and Sombra, as well as correspondence between Sir John A. MacDonald and Alexander Logie, mostly concerning land sales and politics.

Estate Papers

Subseries consists of records pertaining to the estates of Calvin McQuesten and Isaac Baldwin McQuesten, including statements of assets, liabilities, life and property insurance.

Cemetery Deeds and Burial Plot Payment Receipts

Subseries consists of deeds for Burlington Cemetery in Burlington, Ontario, and Cataraqui Cemetery in Kingston, Ontario, as well as payment receipts for coffins, plots and interments.

Legal Records

Series consists of textual documents of a legal nature, including property records, power of attorney records, estate papers, client files, marriage contracts, and cemetery deeds and burial plot payment receipts.


Series consists of one Holy Bible, which contains details about the Van Sickle family of Lynden; and two pocket-sized prayer books, containing select readings from the BIble.

Business Transaction Records

Series consists of records pertaining to business transactions, including mortgage documents, release of trusts and trustees, promissory notes, investment statements, cash statements, receipts and an agreement regarding apprenticeship.

Newspaper Clippings

Series consists of newspaper clippings from various newspapers including the Hamilton Spectator, the Weekly Banner and the Weekly Times, pertaining to the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics’ Institute, including the announcement of a concert taking place, the announcement of the Eighth Annual Festival in support of the Institute and which featured speakers, musical performances, and Shakespearean readings, an article review on the Mechanics’ Institute Festival and the highlights of the event, a few articles on lecture reviews hosted by the Institute, an article announcing an upcoming lecture, as well as a few lists of book titles added to the collection.

Power of Attorney Records

Subseries consists of power of attorney records granting Calvin McQuesten power of attorney for William Ormiston, as well as granting Isaac Baldwin McQuesten power of attorney for Calvin McQuesten, Stephen Payson Sawyer, Thomas Craigie, Frank Sawyer, P.G. Sinclair and John Harvey. The subseries also contains 2 letters of guardianship regarding the Sawyer family, and 1 letter of trusteeship concerning Knox Church.

Two water colour sketches

The image on the left is titled by the artist “Original sketch in burnt umber on the Marsh” (presumably the Dundas Marsh) and is dated 1883. The image on the right is titled “Original sketch on the St. Lawrence near Brockville in Indigo” dated 1882.

Two water colour scenes of boat in water

The one on the left is titled by the artist “Original sketch in Lamp Black of Burlington Bay” and has an artist note “time 15 minutes” and the image on the right is titled “Original sketch in Bistre, Burlington Bay” and is dated 1883.

Two water colour scenes.

The left image is titled by artist “Original sketch in Indian Red” dated 1883 and the image on the right is titled “Original sketch in Hookers Green.”


Letter written by William Blair Bruce on Sept 30, 1886 about paying visitors to support an art union.


Written by William Blair Bruce around 1886 proposing an art union.


Series consists of correspondence including a letter of resignation from Calvin McQuesten to the President and Directors of the Gore Bank, letters acknowledging receipts of payments, as well as a thank you letter addressed to Isaac Baldwin McQuesten. This series also contains letters of condolences from various individuals to Isaac Baldwin McQuesten regarding the death of his father, Calvin McQuesten.

Copy of Mutual Will and Testament

Translated copy of Mutual Will and Testament of William Blair Bruce and his wife Carolina Maria Bruce, nee Benedicks. Written December 10, 1888.

Lillie Hardy files

Series contains documentation, primarily correspondence addressed to Miss Hardy, Secretary of the Wesleyan Ladies' College Alumnae, pertaining to courses, essays, and alumnae activities. Much of the correspondence is conducted with Pastor J.H. Willey of University Avenue M.E. Church in Syracuse, N.Y. Correspondence between Hardy and cookbook author and cookery instructor Emma P. (Emma Pike) Ewing concerning home economics courses is accompanied by University programs and journal clippings. Series also contains essays on various subjects.


Wooden-hulled, screw (propeller) steamer vessel measuring 142 x 23 x 13 feet, 408 tonnage, built in Hamilton, Ontario in 1872 by Archibald Miller Robertson. The Canada was a passenger and freight ship that operated between Montreal and Chicago from 1872 until 1878. In 1892 the ship was severely damaged by fire. The engine was salvaged, repurposed and used in the S.S. Arabian. The file contains a builder’s certificate, a certificate of survey, registration and ownership documents, mortgage papers, and a few pages of correspondence.

Thomas Harrison Wilkinson fonds

  • CA ON00131 00351
  • collection
  • 1892

The fonds consists of hand-written notes for a speech on "Hints on how to see Pictures in Nature", given by Thomas Harrison Wilkinson that was read before the Photographic Section on November 25, 1892.

Sans titre

Graduation and commencement programs

Series contains graduation and commencement programs for Wesleyan Ladies College, arranged chronologically into files for closing exercises, graduation exercises and commencement exercises.

Concerts and entertainment materials

Series includes materials related to concerts and entertainment at Wesleyan Ladies' College, often in partnership with the Conservatory of Music, such as concert tickets and programs, invitations to conversaziones and at-homes, and announcements for Senior Literary Society meetings.


Series consists of issues of The Portfolio, the periodical of Wesleyan Ladies' College. The Portfolio was produced by Wesleyan students in the Senior and Junior Literary Societies, with contributions from alumnae. Series includes a bound edition of The Portfolio, which contains issues 1:1 to 2:9, as well as single issues ranging from 1:6 to 15:6, with exceptions.

Course Catalogues

Series consists of annual catalogues for Wesleyan Ladies' College, which contain lists of courses offered, faculty members, graduates and current students, as well as information about fees, student and alumnae associations, etc.


  • CA ON00131 02-4 - 2-HPL_00507_45
  • Pièce
  • December 12, 1897
  • Fait partie de Bruce Family fonds

Letter written by William Blair Bruce to his mother and father on December 12, 1897 concerning news of the day. Transcription copy with original.


Screw (propeller) steamer vessel measuring 33 x 7 x 4 feet, built in Hamilton, Ontario in 1894 by Herbert Lutz, Thomas Johns, William Wylie and Allan Marshall. The voyage history of this ship is unknown. The file contains documents such as a builder’s certificate, a certificate of survey, registration and ownership documents, certificates and transfers, as well as a receipt for a bill of sale.

Business Postcards

Series consists of a box of penny postcards from McIlwraith's merchant coal business. The postcards detail messages regarding his business affairs.

Thomas McIlwraith fonds

  • collection
  • 1860-1899

The fonds consists of two original draft manuscripts written by Thomas McIlwraith, the "Birds of Ontario" and the "Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Hamilton," as well as business postcards from Thomas McIlwraith's merchant coal business.

Sans titre

Hamilton Business College fonds

  • collection
  • 1888-1901

Material consists of a Hamilton Business College Register of Students, dated October 1888 to May 1901. The register records the names and addresses of the students, and their choice of course to enroll in, [business, shorthand or spec?]. Later entries also included the length of time the students were enrolled, their experience of the course, and whether they returned to the course at a later date.

Sans titre


Series consists of correspondence from various locales in Ontario, such as Lindsay, Port Hope, London, Kingston, Peterborough, Glasgow, West Flamborough, Elora, Toronto, and Hamilton, predominantly regarding the sale of land and mortgage payments. A letter addressed to Major Logie from Gordon includes a lock of hair.

Minute books

Series consists of a minute book for meetings of the Fessenden Chapter held May 1900 to January 1902. The minute book contains correspondence pertaining to the chapter's request to become the Municipal Chapter of Hamilton.


Series consists of correspondence to and from various individuals including a letter written by Angus McAfee and his brother-in-law George Hughson, to his wife and George’s sister, Thamen, dated July 2, 1812 in Niagara, Ontario, informing her that he is well and giving his prediction that a truce is imminent, a letter written by Samuel McAfee to his brother Angus letting him know he is well and updating him on a skirmish he was involved in with the Americans, dated at Queenston, May 26, 1813, a letter [copy of orders] to Angus McAfee from Brigadier General John Vincent, dated June 10, 1813, correspondence from Angus McAfee to the Colonels and other officers of the late 5th Lincoln and 2nd York Militia, making a claim for payment of which he feels he did not receive for some of his military service, dated October 14, 1818, and a letter of response from N. Coffin of the Adjutant Office, to Angus, dated May 3, 1819. The series also consists of some military correspondence from a later time period pertaining to a Lieutenant John A. Nelles, including General Orders written to Lieutenant Nelles of the 1st Haldimand Regiment Militia, Nelles Settlement, Grand River, dated May 24, 1830, ordering him to report to a muster call and prepare the militia companies for training, as well as an invitation from Lieutenant-Colonel Davis and Officers of the 37th, to Lieutenant Nelles, requesting his company at a dinner held at the Battalion Shed, dated October 10, 1867. There is also some general correspondence from the Hamilton Spectator to Justus A. Griffin (President of the Wentworth Historical Society), with an enclosure from Nathaniel Hughson McAfee, dated February 5, 1903, mentioning that the subscriber to their newspaper asked to have documents forwarded to the president of the Wentworth Historical Society, and requesting the president to contact him, dated February 6, 1903. The letter from Nathaniel Hughson McAfee is a short note mentioning he has in his possession some historical papers pertaining to his family and their service in the War of 1812. He also mentions his family were United Empire Loyalists and that he has connections to other Loyalists such as his grandfather, Nathaniel Hughson and his grandmother, Colonel Land’s sister. The final piece of correspondence in the series is a longer letter from Nathaniel Hughson McAfee to Justus A. Griffin, providing the details of the papers he was donating along with more information about his family and their service in the War of 1812. Nathaniel’s father was Sergeant Angus McAfee and Daniel and Samuel were his uncles.

Property Records

Subseries consists of property records including, land grants and deeds, leases, searches for lot title deeds, land lots, and releases of liens on land.

Thomas L. Kinrade fonds

  • collection
  • 1903

The material consists of one series of correspondence and reminiscences. The material is a one-page letter accompanied by four pages of reminiscences written by Thomas L. Kinrade, of Hamilton, Ontario, to W.C. Morton of Hamilton, Ontario.

Sans titre

Correspondence and Reminiscences

Series consists of a one-page letter with accompanying reminiscences. The letter, dated July 23, 1903 was written by Thomas L. Kinrade, to W.C. Morton of Hamilton, Ontario. The four accompanying pages are Thomas L. Kinrade's reminiscences about the militia during the Fenian Raids in 1866 including a reference to Isaac Buchanan, a prominent Hamilton citizen. Other memories include the Central Public School “sheds” that were located along the streets near the school, religious instruction in public schools, as well as thoughts about a former principal of Central Public School, Archibald McCallum, who served from 1858-1870.

McAfee Family fonds

  • collection
  • 1809-1903

The material consists of various military records and correspondence pertaining mostly to members of the McAfee family, particularly Angus, Daniel and Samuel. There is also some later correspondence from Nathaniel Hughson McAfee regarding the records of his family members.

Sans titre

Books by William Blair Bruce

"Minnesutstalling W. Blair Bruce Konstakademlen" 1907
"Exposition Retrospective de L'oeuvre de W. Blair Bruce" 1907


Series consists of an indenture detailing a contract between the Sonora Mining Company and The Trusts and Guarantees Company Limited (Toronto).


Screw (propeller) steel freighter steamer measuring 249 x 42 x 21, 1,882 tonnage, built in 1900 in Dundee, Scotland by Caledonia Shipbuilding and Engineering Company. The ship carried cargo such as grain, rails and ore. The file contains a certificate of British Registry, a transcript of register for transmission to Registrar of Shipping, Hamilton, Ontario, as well as correspondence from the Inland Navigation Company Limited, and the Customs House, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, to the Registrar of Shipping, Hamilton, Ontario.

Household Account Books

Series consists of an account book listing an inventory of household furniture and goods owned by A. Logie, as well as a ledger, identified as a farm book, documenting transactions throughout the year.

Logie Papers

The subfonds consists of textual records pertaining mostly to Alexander Logie and his law practice, arranged in the following series: Business transaction records, legal records, correspondence, household account books, maps and genealogical records

Sans titre


Screw (propeller) steamer measuring 245 x 40 x 22 feet, 1,799 tonnage, built in 1903 in Greenock, Scotland by Grangemouth and Greenock Dockyard Company. The vessel had several owners and was captured by a submarine and sunk in April of 1917 during the First World War. The file contains a certificate of British Registry, ownership documents, as well as correspondence from the Customs House of Glasgow, Scotland to the Registrar of Shipping, Hamilton, Ontario.

Ancient Order of United Workmen, Lodge No. 49 fonds

  • collection
  • 1901-1910

The material consists of a minute book recording the meetings of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, Lodge No.49 of Hamilton, Ontario, dated December 1901 to June 1910. The minutes detail the administration of the Lodge through officer duties, applications for membership, beneficiary disbursements, donations to various charities and hospitals, and accounts of members visiting their sick and injured brothers.

Sans titre

Clippings and Ephemera

This series contains ephemera and loose newspaper clippings related to the Hamilton Cricket Club. For preservation purposes, most material is encapsulated.


Screw (propeller) yacht measuring 41 x 9 ½ x 5 feet, built in Hamilton, Ontario in 1899 by James Weir. The voyage history of the vessel is unknown. The file contains a builder’s certificate, a certificate of survey, a declaration of ownership, a memorandum regarding the receipt of documentation, as well as some correspondence regarding the existence of the ship and its whereabouts.

Meeting Minutes and Scrapbooks

This series contains bound books of the Hamilton Cricket Club. Bound books include materials such as newspaper clippings, memo, meeting minutes and rosters. This series also contains loose papers and materials related Hamilton Cricket Club meetings. For preservation purposes, material is encapsulated.

Registers of Names and Apprenticeships

Series consists of 3 volumes of Registers of Names of the children admitted to the institution, dated 1848 to 1869, 1848 to 1886, and 1874 to 1914, as well as 1 volume of orphan apprenticeships, dated 1881-1913.

Hamilton Orphans Asylum fonds

  • collection
  • 1848-1914

The fonds consists of 4 volumes of records pertaining to the Hamilton Orphan Asylum, including 3 volumes of Registers of Names, dated 1848 to 1869, 1848 to 1886, and 1874 to 1914, as well as a volume entitled, Record of Orphan’s Apprenticeships, dated 1881 to 1913.

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 1259