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Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) fonds

  • CA ON00131 00952
  • Fonds
  • 1900-2012

The fonds consists of administrative and other records of the various Hamilton chapters of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) from 1900 to 2012. The fonds is arranged chronologically by the date of the chapter’s foundation.

Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE)

Hamilton Business College fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1888-1901

Material consists of a Hamilton Business College Register of Students, dated October 1888 to May 1901. The register records the names and addresses of the students, and their choice of course to enroll in, [business, shorthand or spec?]. Later entries also included the length of time the students were enrolled, their experience of the course, and whether they returned to the course at a later date.

Hamilton Business College

Aged Women's Home fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1846-1946

The fonds consists of 13 volumes of minute books of the Ladies Benevolent Society, the parent organization of the Aged Women's Home and the Hamilton Orphan's Asylum. The minute books date from 1846-1946 and include transactions of society business, as well as the names of some women admitted to the facility. There are also minutes detailing the relief efforts of the Benevolent Society from 1854-1904.

Ladies Benevolent Society

Annual meeting minutes and reports

Series consists of meeting minutes and reports, including secretary's reports and financial reports, for annual meetings of the Municipal Chapter. Series contains an annual meeting book with attestations and signatures of chapter members for 1907-1919, annual meeting books with handwritten minutes and reports for 1938-1985, as well as minutes and reports for 1953-1955, 1973 and 1983-2003.

War Service records

Series consists of an honour roll, a commemorative volume containing information about relatives of members of the Paardeburg Chapter who served in the Canadian military. Records include the following information for military personnel: name and rank, birth date, parents, whether they were of United Empire Loyalist descent, marital status, where and when they volunteered, home unit, present unit, training location, and details about their military service, including promotions and honours received. All those included in the volume were born between 1859-1925. Names are listed according to rank. Photographs accompany the records of 7 of the 76 individuals named in the volume. This series also contains a ledger recording the list of boxes of hospital supplies sent by the shipping department of the Paardeburg Chapter Hospital Committee to the Red Cross during the First World War.

Hamilton Naturalists' Club fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1919-2022

The material in the fonds consists of predominantly textual materials pertaining to the organization’s conservation projects, programming, public education, promotional materials and publications. The fonds contains eleven series and one subseries including, administrative records, correspondence, bird records, environmental conservation projects, programs and events, the Junior Audubon Club, property records, bequests, endowments and funds, awards and recognition, publicity and publications, photographs and scrapbooks. The fonds also contains graphic materials including water colours, as well as photographs of members, events, programs, wildlife and plant life.

Hamilton Naturalists' Club

Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1850s-2009

The fonds consists of predominantly textual and graphic materials pertaining to the organization’s exploration, preservation and promotion of local Hamilton history, restoration projects, events, promotional materials and publications. The fonds contains ten series including, administrative records, financial records, committee records, correspondence, restoration projects, programs and events, awards and recognition, promotional materials and publications, publicity, and photographs and negatives. The fonds contains audio and video cassettes featuring lectures and presentations on various historical topics, as well as recordings and publicity for special events.

Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society

Committee Records

Series consists of records such as agendas and meeting minutes, guidelines of conduct, correspondence and reports from the various committees of the Society including the Archives Committee, the Hamilton Biography Advisory Committee, the Historical Committee, the June Outing Committee, the Marketing Committee, Newsletter Committee, Publications Committee, Public Relations Committee, the Old City Hall Clock Restoration Committee, and the Seniors Committee. The series also contains 2 photographs of the members of the Publications Committee, dated 1994.

Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society Photograph Collection

Series consists of a collection of original photographs, photograph prints, contact sheets and negatives including glass plate negatives, of various people, places, buildings, companies, parks, monuments, landscapes, beach scenes, historic sites, streetscapes, transportation, and events such as celebrations, ceremonies and parades, all relating to Hamilton and its history. Some of these images were donated to the Society and others were collected by various members. Many of these images were used in Society publications such as “Around and About Hamilton, 1785-1985”, and “Hamilton: Panorama of Our Past.” This series also contains 13 postcards with photograph images. There is no image file list for this material.

Awards and Recognition

Series consists of awards presented to the Society for the publication “Around and About Hamilton, 1785-1985, an award for the Society’s assistance in celebrating the bicentennial year, as well as a certificate from David Christopherson, M.P.P. for Hamilton Centre, on the occasion of the Society’s 65th anniversary in February 2009, and 2 photographs of Society volunteers receiving service awards. The series also consists of a file on former President and founding member of the Society, Thomas Melville Bailey (1912-2005). The material includes biographical information, highlights of his numerous contributions to Hamilton heritage preservation, references to some of the many books he authored and published, as well information on the Reverend T. Melville Bailey Heritage Award that was created in his honour by the City of Hamilton and the Hamilton Mountain Heritage Society, to recognize people in the community who devote their time to preserving and promoting Hamilton’s history.

Administrative Records

Series consists of records pertaining to the administrative operations of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society, including the Society’s Constitution and by-laws, executive officer’s lists, duties and guidelines, minutes for regular, executive and annual meetings, president’s reports, loan and transfer of ownership agreements for historical material, as well as 2 administrative seals, one belonging to the former Wentworth Historical Society, and one belonging to the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society. There is also one stamp with the inscription, “Property of Wentworth Historical Society, Hamilton, Ontario.” The series also contains a file with 4 photographs of past presidents and executive members of the Society for the years 1982, 1983, 1988 and 1989.

Programs and Events

Series consists of records relating to the programs and events held by the Society including its annual Heritage Day Dinner, presentations made to the Society by various speakers from the community on local history topics, day trips and outings to various historical sites, historic plaque unveilings, as well as participation in local events. This series includes member invitation cards announcing upcoming Society meetings, lecture series, events and day trips. The series also includes audio cassette tapes of speakers’ addresses and lectures at various events and functions on topics related to Hamilton history such as landmarks, buildings, companies, prominent citizens, and places. The series contains photographs of tours and outings such as day trips taken by Society members including a bus tour of Hamilton, a day trip to Crawford Lake Indian Village, and a trip to Seagram Museum and Doon Heritage Village. There are also photographs of the Annual Heritage Dinners, Society representation at events around the city, as well as historic plaque unveilings for various people and places including prominent citizen Thomas Baker McQuesten of Whitehern, which featured dignitaries in attendance such as then mayor Robert Morrow and her Royal Highness Princess Anne.

Promotional Materials and Publications

Series consists of marketing materials such as letterhead, brochures, book launch publication announcements, correspondence related to the Illustrated History of Hamilton publication, an index to the volumes of the “Wentworth Bygones from the Papers and Records of the Head-of-the-Lake Historical Society,” published between 1956 to 1982, as well as newsletter guidelines pertaining to the Herald Newsletter, published by the Society.

Restoration Projects

Series consists of records relating to the Fountain Foundation Subcommittee. The Foundation was established in 1993 between the Society, corporations and members of the general public, in an effort to restore and rebuild the 1850s Gore Park fountain for Hamilton’s sesquicentennial celebration in 1996. The series contains project background information on the history of the fountain and its importance to Hamilton, copies of a proposal for the restoration of the fountain, meeting minutes, reports, financial and budget statements, balance sheets, fundraising event information, agreements made for work on the fountain and for contributions to the fund, correspondence, as well as marketing materials. The series also contains an audio cassette tape of public service announcements (PSAs), for local radio stations Y108 and 900 CHML, as well as photographs of the event held for the rededication of the Gore Park fountain. The Foundation raised over $500,000 for the reconstruction of the fountain and in October of 1996, the reconstructed fountain was turned back on by then mayor Robert Morrow and Hamilton area MPP Sheila Copps.


Series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence between the Society and other historical societies and organizations, funding agencies, levels of government, as well as the general public. The series also includes public reference requests, which are predominantly genealogical in nature. Some documents are fragile and torn.

Financial Records

Series consists of records relating to the incorporation status of the Society for heritage grant funding applications, annual financial statements, cash books and a record book of paid membership fees.

Programs and Events

Series consists of programs and events hosted by the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club and Junior Audubon Club. Programs include bald eagle hacking to stimulate eagle nesting and population recovery, as well as bird study groups and regular nature walks and outings. Former programs included the Wonders of Nature Show as well as the Nature in your Neighbourhood program, which featured Club members and community group speakers, discussing topics such as wildlife preservation and protection, nature photography and bird watching. This series also includes events such as the 85th anniversary of the Club, which unveiled the organization’s historic plaque at Princess Point, a lecture by Dr. Norman Pearson on the Bruce Trail, Hamilton NatureFest, and the Robert Bateman fundraiser dinner. This series contains photographs of the bald eagle hacking program and the Dr. Norman Pearson lecture.

Hamilton Orphans Asylum fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1848-1914

The fonds consists of 4 volumes of records pertaining to the Hamilton Orphan Asylum, including 3 volumes of Registers of Names, dated 1848 to 1869, 1848 to 1886, and 1874 to 1914, as well as a volume entitled, Record of Orphan’s Apprenticeships, dated 1881 to 1913.

Ladies' Benevolent Society

Thomas McIlwraith fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1860-1899

The fonds consists of two original draft manuscripts written by Thomas McIlwraith, the "Birds of Ontario" and the "Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Hamilton," as well as business postcards from Thomas McIlwraith's merchant coal business.

McIlwraith, Thomas G.


Series consists of 4 scrapbooks. The two earlier scrapbooks contain information from when the Club was called the Hamilton Bird Protection Society and include newspaper articles, correspondence, photographs, meeting announcements, and programs for lectures and events. The third scrapbook contains information on the sanctuaries held by the Club, and photographs of the Spooky Hollow and Short Hills Wilderness Sanctuaries. The fourth scrapbook contains mostly newspaper articles of press coverage on the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club.

Nature Walkathon

Material consists of 4 coloured photographs of the Nature Walkathon, [photographer unknown]. The photographs feature Club members Hazel Broker, Pat Barton, Peggy Macnab and Lois Evans.

Publicity and Publications

Series consists of the Club’s promotional materials such as pamphlets, program guides, flyers, and information guides, as well as radio and news media releases. There are also newspaper clippings written mostly by former Club members George W. North and R. H. Westmore, as well as clippings pertaining to the publication of Birds of Hamilton and Surrounding Areas. The series also includes publication materials such as correspondence regarding articles for publication in The Wood Duck (the Club’s newsletter), as well as correspondence and documentation about the Club’s Naturally, Hamilton! publication. The series also contains manuscript copies of published articles written by various members, some of which were published in various newspapers such as the Dundas Banner, the Hamilton Spectator and the Club's newsletter, The Wood Duck. There is also a manuscript of bird songs compiled by long-time member Anna McLoghlin.

Awards and Recognition

Series consists of letter correspondence and a certificate congratulating the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club on receiving the Corporate Partner of the Year Award, Tourism Award of Excellence from the City of Hamilton (June 18, 2001). The Club was awarded this honour for their publication Naturally, Hamilton!, which encourages people to think of Hamilton as a place to visit for its natural areas and wildlife viewing opportunities. There is also letter correspondence congratulating the Club on receiving the Federation of Ontario Naturalists’ Award (June 26, 2001), as well as some biographical information on volunteer Hazel Broker for Volunteer Corner. The file contains three photographs pertaining to the award recognition.

Bequests, Endowments and Funds

Series consists of material related to raising funds for the Club,
such as donation and legacy brochures, as well as documentation regarding the Townsend Bequest, and draft policy statements governing future bequests, endowments and funds. This series also includes a file on R. Owen Merriman, the founder and first president of the Hamilton Bird Protection Society. The file contains correspondence pertaining to the raising of funds to erect a memorial sculpture in honour of the founder, as well as a portrait of Merriman. This file also contains photographs and a postcard image of the memorial sculpture, which was created by Elizabeth Holbrook, and located in the Rock Gardens of the Royal Botanical Gardens.

Property Records

Series consists of records pertaining to the purchase of land by the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club for the use as a nature and wildlife sanctuary. The land became known as the Short Hills Wilderness Area. Records in this series also document the legal correspondence between the former land owner, a hydro electric company and pipeline company regarding the expropriation of a portion of land, as well as debris being left on the property causing damage to the farmland.

Junior Audubon Club

Subseries consists of records of the Junior Audubon Club, which was a club for children interested in nature and wildlife preservation. The material includes a record book consisting of the lists of schools and teachers involved in the Club, meeting minutes and bird club statistical records. In 1986, this club partnered with the Royal Botanical Gardens to form the Hamilton Junior Naturalists’ Club to instill in children a life-long appreciation and respect for the environment and the natural world. This subserie also includes photographs from the Junior Club program Worm Watch that took place at the Royal Botanical Gardens Nature Centre in 2000.

Environmental Conservation Projects

Series consists of documentation and reports on several environmental conservation projects initiated by the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club out of concern for the protection of the environment and the local community. Projects include but are not limited to, a water quality study of Cootes Paradise, the use of Dombind (a dust suppressant) on roadways, legislation to protect endangered species, land evaluations and inventories of natural areas such as the Eramosa Karst, Friends of the Red Hill Valley group, the Nature Counts Project, the construction of the Red Hill Creek Expressway, the concern over leachate at the Rennie and Brampton Streets Landfill Sites, Save Our Ravines, Save the Oak Ridges Moraine, tree cutting and the West Harbour Trails. This series also includes photographs of the Falcon Watch project from a peregrine falcon observation session at the Sheraton Hotel in Hamilton.

Bird Records

Series consists of detailed observations and daily journal records of birds and their nesting patterns in Hamilton, Ontario. The data was predominantly collected and recorded by Hamilton ornithologists Thomas McIlwraith (1824-1903), and George W. North, who was a member of the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club. Also included in this series are bird records from Kenneth C. McIlwraith and J. Harvey Williams, as well as Christmas Bird Count Censuses, and a report on the Ontario Nest Records Scheme.


Series consists of letters written by Hamilton Naturalists’ Club members to specific organizations and individuals, raising concerns over issues such as environmental conservation, the welfare and protection of wildlife, and the hunting, trafficking and killing of birds. Correspondence also pertains to inquiries about donations, memberships, publications and programs. This series also includes correspondence from a few notable Hamiltonians such as a letter from the Club to Reverend Calvin McQuesten of Whitehern asking him to be the Honourary President of the Club for the 1961-62 season, and McQuesten’s acceptance of this position. There is also a letter addressed to His Worship Mayor Victor K. Copps regarding the Club’s disapproval of a proposed commercial development of LaSalle Park in Burlington, Ontario (December 9, 1969).

Administrative Records

Series consists of records pertaining to the history of the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club and its daily operations. This series includes a copy of the Club Constitution and by-laws, meeting minutes, financial statements such as receipts, revenue and expenditure sheets, investment income and bank account slips, a membership card, as well as President’s reports, an organizational report, and reports from various Club committees.

Hamilton Chamber of Commerce

  • Fonds
  • 1844 - 1999

The material in the fonds consists of administrative records such as meeting minutes, annual reports, constitution and bylaws, and historical material on the Board of Trade, as well as financial records, committee records, reports, correspondence, newspaper clippings, publicity and promotional materials, programs and events, centennial projects, awards and recognition, a few photographs and a medallion, all of which pertain to the Hamilton Board of Trade and its successor, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce.

Hamilton Chamber of Commerce

Current File

Series includes but is not limited to, correspondence and poems, and was possibly used to house all current papers before they were filed into other more specific subject files at a later date by members of the Hamilton Poetry Centre Executive.

Media Coverage

Series contains local newspaper articles that feature the Hamilton Poetry Centre and local poets, as well as one copy of the New Hamilton Weekly Magazine (December 17, 1990 issue).


Series consists of Canada Council Exploration Grant funding documents, including the Hamilton Poetry Centre's applications for funding during the 1980s.

Poetry Readings

Series consists of records relating to poetry readings hosted by the Hamilton Poetry Centre, including those held externally in different locations in the city of Hamilton, information on the Canada Council Public Readings Program, readings relating to the League of Canadian Poets regarding their Canada Poetry Tours Program, readings by visiting poets, documentation relating to a festival of contemporary Canadian poetry (Canada Poetry Now), presented by the Hamilton Poetry Centre from March 6th to March 8th of 1986, which was held at the Art Gallery of Hamilton and included lectures, readings and poetry workshops for aspiring poets and writers, as well as information on the Poetry in the Schools Program, with readings at local schools. This file contains some poetry written by some of the students.


Series consists of textual documents relating to the Hamilton Poetry Centre’s regular poetry workshops and an Executive workshop. Most of the documents are unpublished poems written and submitted by various individuals.

Marketing and Publicity

Series consists of different publicity and marketing documentation used by the Hamilton Poetry Centre to promote their organizational mandate. Items include copies of the Hamilton Poetry Centre’s published newsletter Iambus, 39 posters and flyers advertising poetry readings hosted by the Hamilton Poetry Centre, as well as ones co-sponsored or hosted by other community organizations such as the Hamilton Public Library, McMaster University and the Canada Council, 3 press releases regarding poetry readings, one dated June 1, 1987 and the other two are undated, as well as 7 different styles of letterhead for the organization.


Series consists of general correspondence such as thank you cards and notes, as well as several letters written to members of the Hamilton Poetry Centre Executive, and letters written by members to other organizations and individuals. The letters predominantly consist of requests regarding author and poetry readings, the organization of poetry events, as well as correspondence that promotes and raises the profile of the Hamilton Poetry Centre in the community. This file includes a letter from Margaret Atwood (April 27, 1987) declining an invitation to read. The series also consists of tax correspondence between members of the Hamilton Poetry Centre and the Canada Council regarding T4 slips and grant funding.

Financial Statements

Series consists of documents that pertain to the Hamilton Poetry Centre's finances. Items include budget, expense and account statements, as well as an annual membership form and an un-cashed cheque from the Hamilton and Region Arts Council.

History and Structure of the Hamilton Poetry Centre

Series consists of records containing documentation on the history of the Hamilton Poetry Centre and includes two copies of the organization's Draft Statement, an original, signed copy of the Hamilton Poetry Centre Constitution, as well as documents outlining the tasks and responsibilities of the Executive Committee.


The series consists of twenty hand-written journals by Robert Livingstone describing his reflections on major events such as royal visits, the Depression, World War Two and the Korean War, as well as entries on the weather, work, home, leisure life and relationships with family and friends.

Random Photographs, Negatives and Contact Sheets

Series consists of random photographs taken by Peter Stevens. The images include the exterior of three buildings, the interior of one building and a broken bicycle. The series also consists of various photographic negatives and contact sheets from photographs taken by Peter Stevens over the course of his career.

Hamilton Magazines

Series consists of three magazines, two of which were published by Peter Stevens when he was Photo Editor for Broadway Magazine and The Hammer Magazine. Broadway Magazine (September – October 1993), features a cover photograph taken by Peter Stevens of authors Bernadette Rule and John Terpstra. The Hammer Magazine (May 1991), features a cover photograph taken by Peter Stevens of
musicians Glen Marshall and Sarah Keates of “Altogether Morris.” The View Magazine (March 28, 1996) features an article on local designer Vesna Trkulja, with the photograph taken by Peter Stevens.

Advertising and Marketing

Series consists of photographs, negatives and contact sheets, as well as advertising and marketing materials relating to product samples, Broadway Magazine and Film Guide, and graphic design publications.

Non-Human Subjects

Series consists of photographs and negatives of non-human subjects. Examples include but are not limited to, a camera, cats, gloves, the Gore Park Queen Victoria sculpture and a stereo walkman.


Series consists of photographs, negatives and some contact sheets of some public events that took place in Hamilton, Ontario and were photographed by Peter Stevens. The events include the 1999 HamiltonTiger Cats Grey Cup Win and Champion Parade, as well as Heritage Day [n.d.] This series also contains a file on Peter Steven's Tobermory vacation and a file on the Transition Board Meetings [association unknown].


Series consists of photographs, negatives and contact sheets featuring specific places, including parks, recreation centres, shopping districts and weather network stations.

Public Organizations

Subseries consists of records for public organizations, including the Business Advisory Centre of Hamilton-Wentworth, Hamilton Civic Hospital, the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, the Henderson Hospital Research Centre, Oakville Galleries and Opera Hamilton. The material consists of photographs, negatives, contact sheets, an annual report and a faxed memo.

Educational Institutions

Subseries consists of photographs, negatives and contact sheets for Bennetto Public School, Sheridan College, Athabasca University and McMaster University.

Private Companies

Subseries consists of photographs, negatives, contact sheets and business marketing brochures of private companies.

Political Parties

Subseries consists of photographs, negatives, magazine clippings and a contact sheet on the New Democratic Party (N.D.P.), and features Ed Broadbent, Richard Allen and a few unknown local N.D.P. supporters.

Hamilton Civic Museums

Subseries consists of numerous photographs, negatives and a few contact sheets of Hamilton Civic Museums including, Dundurn Castle, Hamilton Children’s Museum, Hamilton Military Museum, Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology and Whitehern Historic House and Garden National Historic Site.

Associations and Organizations

Series is divided into 6 subseries consisting mostly of photographs and negatives, with a few contact sheets and some textual material. The subseries feature public and private associations and organizations such as educational institutions, Hamilton Civic Museums, political parties, public institutions and private companies.

Unknown Subjects

Subseries contains photographs, negatives and contact sheets of individuals who are unidentified.

Known Subjects

Subseries contains photographs, negatives and contact sheets of individuals known and identified by Peter Stevens.


Subseries contains mostly photographs, negatives and a few contact sheets on politicians Terry Cook, Sheila Copps, David Crombie and former Hamilton Mayor Bob Morrow. The file on Sheila Copps contains photographs as well as some textual documents, including one copy of Hustler Magazine (February 1999), featuring a photograph of Ms. Copps with a short write-up. [Page is marked for reference].


Subseries contains photographs, negatives and a few contact sheets of musicians and bands, including but not limited to Altogether Morris, Paul Benedetti, Doug Fever, Jim Feeny Band, Junkhouse, Roadside Attraction and Tiny Bill Cody. There are also some textual documents such as photography work orders and publicity materials for specific musicians and bands.


Subseries contains photograph negatives as well as publicity material advertising exhibits by local dress designer, Vesna Trkulja.

Human Subjects

Series is divided into 10 subseries consisting of predominantly photographs, negatives and contact sheets featuring different individuals photographed by Peter Stevens. There are also some textual documents such as publicity material. The subseries includes actors, artistic directors, artists, authors, designers, lawyers, musicians, politicians, known subjects and unknown subjects.

Peter Stevens fonds

  • CA ON00131 00958
  • Fonds
  • 1981-2006

The fonds consists of predominantly graphic materials, including photographs and negatives of individuals, organizations, places, events, and non-human subjects, along with some textual documents consisting mostly of advertising and marketing materials. The fonds contains eight series including, human subjects, associations and organizations, places, events, non-human subjects, advertising and marketing, Hamilton magazines and random photographs, negatives and contact sheets.

Stevens, Peter, 1963-2015

Family Records

Series consists of one file folder containing a newspaper obituary for Julia Arthur, along with a letter written by Miss Flora F. Tobin, niece of Julia Arthur, to the Hamilton, Ontario City Clerk Office in regards to obtaining a birth registration notice for her grandfather, Thomas Lewis. The file also contains hand-written, typed and photocopied genealogical records on the Lewis family members. The series also consists of a scrapbook that is divided into two parts. The first half contains newspaper clippings, correspondence and information about Julia Arthur and her performances and career, and the second half contains information about her sister, Flora Fairchild.

Julia Arthur

Subseries consists of various photographs of actress Julia Arthur posing in costume, acting on stage, as well as engaging in activities such as reading.

Family Photographs and Paintings

Series consists of photographs of various members of the Lewis Family, including a family portrait, as well as photographs of Thomas and Ann Lewis, Eleanor Lewis, Flora Lewis and Julia Arthur. The series also contains 2 miniature framed paintings of Thomas and Eleanor Lewis, which are attributed to artist Hannah Rusk Kelly.

Lewis Family fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1891-1950

Fonds consists of predominantly graphic materials including family photographs and professional photographs of theatre actress Julia Arthur, as well as a few textual documents pertaining to family records. The fonds consists of 2 series including family photographs and paintings, and family records, with a subseries of photographs pertaining to Julia Arthur.

Lewis Family


Series consists of correspondence including a letter of resignation from Calvin McQuesten to the President and Directors of the Gore Bank, letters acknowledging receipts of payments, as well as a thank you letter addressed to Isaac Baldwin McQuesten. This series also contains letters of condolences from various individuals to Isaac Baldwin McQuesten regarding the death of his father, Calvin McQuesten.

Client Files

Subseries consists of legal documents relating to two family estates; the Grierson family estate and the estate of Mary Wallace. Documents in the Grierson file include correspondence and estate papers such as deeds, mortgage sales and payments, power of attorney records and two fire insurance polies. The Mary Wallace file contains some letter correspondence from the law firm Chisholm, McQuesten & Welby to Kate Millar, regarding a watch that was bequeathed to her by her friend, Mary Wallace.

Court Documents

Subseries consists of a court document related to a case from the State of New Hampshire, USA in the names of Edward Lerned versus Calvin McQuesten. This subseries also includes documentation from the Provincial Secretary's Office regarding Isaac Baldwin McQuesten’s Commission as Notary Public, as well as the Department of State in Ottawa regarding a release of judgment being referred to the Minister of Justice.

Estate Papers

Subseries consists of records pertaining to the estates of Calvin McQuesten and Isaac Baldwin McQuesten, including statements of assets, liabilities, life and property insurance.

Power of Attorney Records

Subseries consists of power of attorney records granting Calvin McQuesten power of attorney for William Ormiston, as well as granting Isaac Baldwin McQuesten power of attorney for Calvin McQuesten, Stephen Payson Sawyer, Thomas Craigie, Frank Sawyer, P.G. Sinclair and John Harvey. The subseries also contains 2 letters of guardianship regarding the Sawyer family, and 1 letter of trusteeship concerning Knox Church.

Property Records

Subseries consists of property records including, land grants and deeds, leases, searches for lot title deeds, land lots, and releases of liens on land.

Legal Records

Series consists of documents of a legal nature including, property records, power of attorney records, estate papers, court documents and client files.

Business Transaction Records

Series consists of records pertaining to business transactions, including mortgage documents, a debenture register containing debentures issued by the Township of Barton to various individuals and organizations, promissory notes, receipts and statements of costs, accounts and payments, authorizations of payments and non-payments, bonds, bank drafts and cheques, copyright and patent documents, statements and agreements on partnerships, as well as tenders and agreements for work and renovations.

Genealogical Records

Series consists of birth, death, and marriage information for the Barclay and Smith families, and includes a lament by Anne Logie on the death of her infant daughter, Barbara.


Series consist of one hand-drawn map of Italy that was drawn by Alexander Logie.

Household Account Books

Series consists of an account book listing an inventory of household furniture and goods owned by A. Logie, as well as a ledger, identified as a farm book, documenting transactions throughout the year.


Series consists of correspondence from various locales in Ontario, such as Lindsay, Port Hope, London, Kingston, Peterborough, Glasgow, West Flamborough, Elora, Toronto, and Hamilton, predominantly regarding the sale of land and mortgage payments. A letter addressed to Major Logie from Gordon includes a lock of hair.

Marriage Contracts

Subseries consists of a marriage contract between Captain William Logie and Anne Smith, who wed in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 8th, 1822.

Client Files

Subseries consists of documentation for two clients of Alexander Logie; Donald Frederick Campbell of Brampton, Ontario, and Sir John A. MacDonald of Kingston, Ontario. The documentation for Donald F. Campbell includes receipts and correspondence related to the sale of furniture, an assurance policy and receipts for premium fees, records related to the valuation of land and certification of title for lots in Chinquaconey (now Brampton, Ontario), correspondence related to a dispute between Owen Nowlan and Alexander Logie, Richard H. Rae, Donald F. Campbell and Thomasina Catherine Campbell, as well as a marriage contract between Donald F. Campbell and Thomasina Catherine Brega. The documentation related to Sir John A. MacDonald includes deeds for lots in Moore Township, statements documenting land sales, in such locales as Dover, Moore and Sombra, as well as correspondence between Sir John A. MacDonald and Alexander Logie, mostly concerning land sales and politics.

Estate Papers

Subseries consists of records pertaining to the estates of Alexander Logie and William Logie, including the last will and testament of William Logie, the last will and testament of Anne Logie, as well as records related to the receipt of an inheritance by Alexander Logie, outlining the dispersal of funds given to C.S. Ross, executor of the will of William Logie. The subseries also contains statements of assets and liabilities for both William and Alexander Logie.

Power of Attorney Records

Subseries consists of power of attorney records granting Alexander Logie the power of attorney for Jane H. Logie, Sir Allan Napier MacNab, Alexander Campbell and Margaret Glen Rae Grome.

Property Records

Subseries consists of land ownership materials, including land grants and deeds, records documenting the transfer of land ownership, such as an indenture between George Hamilton and David Farley regarding land in Hamilton, and land grants for the Township of Harvey. Subseries also contains a memorial deed of partition, leases, a petition for a claim on land lots, a certificate of a land survey, notices for sale of properties, receipts for payment of taxes and rents, acknowledgements for receipts of land and money, as well as correspondence and lot surveys concerning the town of Preston, Ontario.

Legal Records

Series consists of textual documents of a legal nature, including property records, power of attorney records, estate papers, client files, marriage contracts, and cemetery deeds and burial plot payment receipts.

Business Transaction Records

Series consists of records pertaining to business transactions, including mortgage documents, release of trusts and trustees, promissory notes, investment statements, cash statements, receipts and an agreement regarding apprenticeship.

Awards and Recognition

Series consists of award certificates received by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the region of Hamilton-Wentworth, as well as records on the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Convention Ambassador Awards. The series includes 2 contact sheets of the convention including images of award recipients and various tables, as well as a photograph of the award recipients for the year 1990.

Newspaper Clippings

Series consists of newspaper clippings from various newspapers including the Hamilton Spectator, the Hamilton Herald, the West Hamilton Journal, the Dundas Star Journal, the Ancaster News, the Hamilton Mountain News, the Canadian Economist Free Trade Journal and the Liverpool Standard, pertaining to the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. The articles cover Chamber events, the state of the Hamilton economy and Hamilton businesses, and business in general, including taxes, imports and exports, transportation, elections, unemployment, labour strikes, as well as government legislation affecting business. The series includes a scrapbook of clippings from the early 1900s, which is wrapped due to the fragile nature of the material. The articles pertain to the Board of Trade and its reorganization, announcements regarding events, and the work of the Board of Trade in the community.


Series consists of reports produced by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce including the Access to Capital by Small Business, a Board of Trade Report, Comments on Bill 208, Economic Reports, an Executive Summary, Government Reports, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce reports on various issues, a report to the Board of Directors, as well as Noise Control By-Law Reports.


Series consists of records of meeting minutes for the Executive Committee, as well as meeting minutes for various committees. Earlier committees included ones concerning agriculture, exports, taxation, public safety, retail, finance, street naming and numbering, elections and city planning among others. Modern committees included the Agenda for Action, the Ambassador Committee, the Business Development Committee, the Civic Centre Arena Project, the Community Based Employment Adjustment Committee, the Education and Skills Training Subcommittee, the Federal/Provincial Affairs Committee, the Finance and Taxation Committee, the Foreign Trade Subcommittee, the General Committee, the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan Committee, the Hamilton Harbour Task Force, the Hospitality Committee, the Human Resources Committee, the Industrial Liaison and Zoning Committee, Publicity Committee, REACH (Regional Employment and Adjustment Committee of Hamilton-Wentworth), the Small Business Subcommittee, Tourism and Conventions Development Task Force, and the Transportation Committee. Some of the minutes have incomplete years. This series also contains two photographs from the file on the Transportation Services Committee pertaining to the Instaglide, which was a train model for rapid transit from the Instaglide Transportation Corporation.

Administrative Records

Series consists of administrative records including information on the history of the Board of Trade, the Constitution and Act to Incorporate the Board of Trade of the City of Hamilton, acts and petitions, revised constitution and by-laws, member ship lists, a membership application and fee schedule, a freight rate and operations log, meeting minutes and agendas for the Board of Directors, annual reports, records for the Ancaster and Dundas divisions of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.


Series consists of a photograph of the 1938-1939 Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Young Men’s Section. The names of the men are added under the inset of their image. The photo has been encapsulated.

Centennial Projects

Series consists of records pertaining to the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Centennial in 1945, the city of Hamilton Centennial in 1946, and the Canadian Centennial in 1967.

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