Series consists of various general orders to the militia companies from different headquarters or brigade offices, informing officers commanding troops that no men absent without leave shall receive pay or rations, and men absent with leave (furlough), shall not be given rations, dated at Brantford, February 20, 1839. The same document contains another order stating that no men in the cavalry shall use their horses or wagons for anything other than military purposes, as the men and horses are paid by the government for the public service, not for personal service, dated at Brantford, February 22, 1839. There is a District General Order from January 15, 1839, instructing that weekly returns of the militia corps are to be transmitted to Colonel Halkett, Assistant Military Secretary at Toronto, signed by C. Foster, dated March 6, 1839, an order relating to the return of arms and ammunition, dated at Toronto, May 19, 1839, and an order from the Brigade Office in Drummondville, instructing No. 2 Company of the First Incorporated Battalion Militia to furnish a detachment with one Captain, four Sergeants and one hundred rank-and-file men, to be stationed at Fort Erie until further notice, dated August 21, 1839. There is also a District General Order relating to the apprehension of Private George Gibbs, dated at Toronto, September 10, 1839. The documents in this series are all originals, with the exception of two photocopies of the order from the Brigade Office.