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Logie-McQuesten papers

  • CA ON00131 00005
  • Fonds
  • 1822-1948

Fonds consists of textual records relating predominantly to William Logie (1782-1853) and his son, Alexander Logie (1823-1873), Dr. Calvin McQuesten (1801-1885) an iron founder and manufacturer, and his son, lawyer Isaac Baldwin McQuesten (1847-1888), and the Logie-McQuesten law practice, its associates and clients. The records include business transactions such as mortgages, promissory notes, debentures, agreements, receipts and statement of accounts, legal records such as court documents, power of attorney records, estate papers and client files, property records such as land grants, deeds and leases, as well as correspondence and household account books.

Logie, Alexander

Hamilton Opera Company

  • 00036
  • Fonds

The fonds consists of records of the Hamilton Opera Company, and includes the following four series: Administrative records, correspondence, production and publicity.

Wesleyan Ladies' College fonds

  • CA ON00131 00079
  • Fonds
  • 1861-1965

Fonds consists of textual records including written correspondence, graduation and commencement programs, examination questions and essays, diplomas, course catalogues, periodicals, as well as Alumnae Association records, such as annual reports and Literary Club programs. The fonds also contains two photographs and one medal.

Waldon, Freda F.

Thomas Harrison Wilkinson fonds

  • CA ON00131 00351
  • Fonds
  • 1892

The fonds consists of hand-written notes for a speech on "Hints on how to see Pictures in Nature", given by Thomas Harrison Wilkinson that was read before the Photographic Section on November 25, 1892.

Wilkinson, Thomas Harrison

Royal Hamilton College of Music fonds

  • CA ON00131 00615
  • Fonds
  • 1904 - 1970

The donation consists of letters patent incorporating the Hamilton Conservatory of Music, by-laws and minutes, financial records and statements, insurance, mortgage statements, invoices, quotes for maintenance work, applications, syllabi, reunion lists, appreciation and honorary fellowship certificates, and correspondence.

The fonds consists of records of the Royal Hamilton College of Music and includes the following series: governance, administrative records, education, financial records, minutes, correspondence and publicity. ᅠ

Royal Hamilton College of Music

Hamilton Savoyard Operatic Society fonds

  • 00729
  • Fonds
  • 1929 - 1971

The fonds consists of the administrative records and production materials of the Hamilton Savoyard Operatic Society. The fonds includes the following 5 series:

Series 1: Governance
Series 2: Administrative Records
Series 3: Correspondence
Series 4: Production
Series 5: Publicity

Superior Engravers collection

  • CA ON00131 00766
  • Collection
  • 1930-1953

The collection consists of approximately 10,000 photographic negatives of varying sizes, the majority of which are small format, as well as a selection of approximately 800 photographic prints produced by the Hamilton Public Library Local History and Archives from Superior Engravers negatives. This collection documents commerce and industry in Hamilton, and elsewhere in Ontario, from the 1930s-1950s, particularly during the years of World War II and immediately afterwards. The collection is comprised primarily of images of employees, products, facilities, and activities of Hamilton and surrounding-area businesses, including the Hamilton Bridge Works Company; Adam's Furniture Company; Wright Fruit Company; Dundas Clay Products Limited; Thomson Motors in Burlington; Steel Company of Canada (Stelco); and City Chevrolet Sales Limited. Many images document wartime activity in the various industrial plants, such as the Miss War Worker Contest of 1942. The collection also contains aerial photographs of Hamilton, as well as images of local churches and schools. In the 1980s, approximately 600 nitrate negatives were discovered and subsequently removed from the collection. Prints of many of the nitrate negatives were made and added to the Black Mount collection.

Superior Engravers

Opera Hamilton fonds

  • 00910
  • Fonds
  • 1980 - 2014

The fonds consists of the administrative records of Opera Hamilton, and includes the following 5 series: Administrative Records, Hamilton Opera Guild, History of Opera Hamilton, Opera Productions, and Publicity.

Opera Hamilton

Iroquoia Bruce Trail Association fonds

  • CA ON00131 00919
  • Fonds
  • 1962-2019

The fonds consists of the Club's meeting minutes, trail status reports, publications, scrapbooks, artifacts such as plaques and badges, photographs and an audio-visual recording of an interview with artist Robert Bateman regarding the conception of the Bruce Trail.

Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club

Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) fonds

  • CA ON00131 00952
  • Fonds
  • 1900-2012

The fonds consists of administrative and other records of the various Hamilton chapters of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) from 1900 to 2012. The fonds is arranged chronologically by the date of the chapter’s foundation.

Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE)

Donald William Adams fonds

  • CA ON00131 00954
  • Fonds
  • 1930-1939

The fonds consists of 7 envelopes of photographic prints and negatives all relating to the railways in and around Hamilton. Based on their content, the photographs and negatives appear to have been taken in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Image subjects include: the Huntsville and Lake of Bays Railway Company; various Canadian National trains, including passenger coaches; the Hamilton Street Railway; and the CNR Royal Train, which carried King George VI and Queen Elizabeth across Canada on their royal tour in 1939.

Adams, Donald William

Graeme MacKay political sketches

  • CA ON00131 00955
  • Collection
  • 1997-2000

The collection consists primarily of political cartoons drawn by Graeme MacKay for The Hamilton Spectator. Topics covered in the cartoons are wide-ranging, and involve many political issues facing Canada, Ontario and the city of Hamilton. All of the drawings are “working originals” with a few partial sketches that may be missing captions or have blank areas.

MacKay, Graeme

Peter Stevens fonds

  • CA ON00131 00958
  • Fonds
  • 1981-2006

The fonds consists of predominantly graphic materials, including photographs and negatives of individuals, organizations, places, events, and non-human subjects, along with some textual documents consisting mostly of advertising and marketing materials. The fonds contains eight series including, human subjects, associations and organizations, places, events, non-human subjects, advertising and marketing, Hamilton magazines and random photographs, negatives and contact sheets.

Stevens, Peter, 1963-2015

Robert Livingstone fonds

  • CA ON00131 00961
  • Fonds
  • 1922-1923; 1932-1933; 1935-1942; 1946-1960

The fonds consists of 20 handwritten journals that address topics such as the weather, mundane activities of everyday life, and historical events such as royal visits, the Depression, World War Two and the Korean War.

Livingstone, Robert

Hamilton Poetry Centre fonds

  • CA ON00131 00962
  • Fonds
  • 1983-2003

The material in the fonds consists of predominantly textual documents covering the daily operation and activities of the Hamilton Poetry Centre during the 1980s and 1990s. The fonds also consists of audio cassette tapes of recordings of poetry and author readings, as well as photographs.

Hamilton Poetry Centre


Series consists of printed annual reports, which includes President’s reports and financial reports, a list of the Board of Directors, and minutes and agendas for Opera Hamilton meetings.


Series consists of lists of the Board of Governors, by-laws, the organization’s constitution and organizational structure. The series also contains a book of by-laws and lists of stock holders.

Administrative Records

Series consists of administrative records such as by-laws, member cards, membership lists and a minute book listing minutes from executive and annual meetings. The series also consists of member newsletters and other correspondence to members pertaining to upcoming events.

Administrative records

Series consists of the minutes and committee reports of the TPS Board, treasurer reports and financial statements, versions of the Society’s constitution, membership lists and samples of the membership form and brochure, as well as the samples of the Society’s stationary.

Administrative Records

Series consists of the company’s constitution, minutes of the annual meetings, board meetings, executive meetings, general meetings, membership committee meetings and production committee meetings. The series also consists of nominations and resignations, reports of the secretary, social committee and ways and means financial reports. In addition, these are financial records pertaining to donations and grants, invoices, and financial reports for productions and general budgeting. The series contains member lists, member information and member newsletters, as well as an assessment of the Hamilton Opera Company’s new headquarters.

Administrative Records

Series consists of administrative records such as a management and member list, and a document detailing distribution of earnings for each of the group members.


Series consists of the organization’s constitution and minutes, as well as correspondence regarding member’s nominations and resignations, and a typed history of the Hamilton Savoyards.


Series consists of various artefacts related to the musical careers of Bernie & Elaine Hughes. The series contains a custom clock with the names Bernie & Elaine around the edges, a Don Messer Memorial Trophy for Fiddle Champion, a Garden of the Gulf Fiddle Festival trophy, an O.C.W.M.C. Trophy and a can of Aero’s Dancing Wax. Series also contains two instruments: a melodica and a ukulele.

Meeting Minutes and Scrapbooks

This series contains bound books of the Hamilton Cricket Club. Bound books include materials such as newspaper clippings, memo, meeting minutes and rosters. This series also contains loose papers and materials related Hamilton Cricket Club meetings. For preservation purposes, material is encapsulated.

Correspondence and Invoices

Series consists of letter correspondence and order forms correspondence between Grafton & Co. Ltd. and advertising company R.C. Smith & Son. Most of the letters discuss advertising slogans, logos, and information regarding the 90th anniversary of the company.

George Webb fonds

  • CA ON00131 01038
  • Fonds
  • 1876-1942

The fonds consists of bibles, prayer books, contracts, and Webb's personal diaries, which contain information about his life and work. The fonds is arranged in three series: Bibles, Contacts, and Diaries.

Webb, George Frederick

Tower Poetry Society fonds

  • CA ON00131 01048
  • Fonds
  • 1952 - 2018

The fonds consists of the records of the Tower Poetry Society and contains the following series: administrative records, correspondence, publications and publicity, events and poetry workshops, and the history of the TPS.

Tower Poetry Society

Mercury Mills Limited fonds

  • CA ON00131 01104
  • Fonds
  • 1941 - 1945

The donation consists of one scrapbook of letters of thanks received by the employees of Mercury Mills Limited for the company's donation of items during the Second War World.

Mercury Mills Limited

Hamilton Musical Arts Society

  • CA ON00131 01108
  • Fonds
  • 1938 - 1949

The fonds consists of administrative records pertaining to the Hamilton Musical Arts Society; in particular, by-laws, minutes, members lists, performance programs, and press releases.

Hamilton Musical Arts Society fonds (01108)

Royal Court Entertainers

  • CA ON00131 01109
  • Fonds
  • 1937 - 1941

The fonds consists of administrative records pertaining to the Royal Court Entertainers of Hamilton; in particular, membership lists, correspondence, financial records, posters, and newspaper clippings.

Royal Court Entertainers fonds (01109)

Bernie and Elaine Hughes Collection

  • CA ON00131 01110
  • Collection
  • 1960-2001

The fonds consists of records and artefacts belonging to Elaine & Bernie Hughes and includes the following series: artefacts, audio, personal, photographs, publicity and scrapbooks.

Bruce William New fonds

  • CA ON00131 01120
  • Fonds
  • 1993 - 1995

The fonds consists of three computer typed manuscripts written by Bruce New. The first manuscript is entitled "Down to the Pub" a memoir of the Gown and Gavel Pub former located at 24 Hess Street South in Hamilton. The second manuscript titled "...and so it came to pass.." is a collection of short entertainment. The third manuscript titled "On the Bus" recounts bus experiences in the city.

New, William Bruce

Hamilton Opera Guild

Series consists of correspondence, list of guild members, invitations, and a calendar of events. Guild members included industry professionals and any individuals who sought to represent and support the professional work of opera singers and musicians.

Administrative Records

Series consists of records pertaining to job applications and job descriptions, mailing lists, member lists, standard procedures and surveys. Series also consists of correspondence related to nomination and resignations, resolutions and legal arbitration. Administrative Records also contains reports, contracts, and papers regarding RHCM’s incorporation and royal proclamation. It also consists of a royal proclamation certificate in a gold, ornate frame.


Series consists of correspondence addressed to TPS executive members, and letters written by TPS executive members to publishers, organizations and poets. The letters predominately relate to promoting the Society’s publication “Tower” to publishers and subscribers; in addition, there are letters from the “Tower” contributors and artists who provided the cover art. The series also consists of invitations to speaking engagements, participation in and the organization of community and literary events, as well as the Society’s response to the City of Hamilton Art’s Task Force in the late 1980s.


Series consists of notes of thanks, and samples of the company’s business letterheads. The series also contains correspondence related to partnerships and outreach, venue rentals, and the recruitment of a new stage director.


Series consists of performance programs and tickets for performances put on by Hamilton Musical Arts Society.


This series contains correspondence between the Hamilton Cricket club and its members and other cricket clubs, prominent Ontarians, and other institutions such as Ridley College, and the former Mimico Institute for the Insane. For preservation purposes, material is encapsulated.

Promotional Material

Series consists of 2 drafts of the Grafton & Co. Ltd. logo, 2 victory loan advertisements, 1 war poster, 2 general advertisements, advertisement blurbs, 1 text of 90th Anniversary Souvenir Booklet.

Historical Books

Series consists of 2 Stelco Anniversary Books: The 25th Milestone: A Brief History of Stelco the Steel Company of Canada Limited 1910-1935 and 50th Anniversary Issue Stelco Flashes 1910-1960.


Series consists of correspondence related to performances, including logistic information and correspondence related to performance inquiries, such as prices and availability.


Series consists of the audio recordings of Elaine & Bernie Hughes and Smiling Bill McCormack, in various formats. Three sub-series are identified as: CDs, LP (45) and LPs.

Bernie & Elaine Hughes – Favourite Songs
Bernie & Elaine Hughes – Merritt Hall, Ancaster, Ont. 1967
Bernie & Elaine Hughes and the Mountain City Playboys – Live at the Jockey Club 1963
The Country Music of Bernie & Elaine Hughes
Elaine Hughes – On with The Show
Smiling Bill – Songs and Music of Smiling Bill
Smiling Bill and Elaine Hughes – Traditional Country
25th Anniversary Jamboree in Honour of Bernie Hughes
Bernie & Elaine Hughes – Stop Before We Start (Ollie Strong)
Bernie & Elaine Hughes – The Country Music of Bernie & Elaine Hughes
Smiling Bill – Songs and Music of Smiling Bill


Series consists of correspondence pertaining to costume, prop and music rentals for productions, invitations to Hamilton Savoyard events and invitations from other musical groups. Other types of correspondence included in this series includes discussions of venue rentals and notes of thanks. It also contains material used for correspondence, including Hamilton Savoyard envelopes, letterheads and personalized stamps.

Publications and Publicity

Series consists of draft submissions of the Society’s publication the “Tower”, a list of poets that were published in the “Tower”, subscription forms for the “Tower” and other Society publications, the TPS newsletter, as well as press releases, and newspaper clippings highlighting the Society. The series also contains video recordings and correspondence related to the televised series “Poetry’s Alive” that aired on Cable 4 in Hamilton.


Series consists of auditorium plans, cast lists, rehearsal schedules and performance programs. The series also consists of correspondence related to makeup, costuming and performers, as well as documents outlining sales ideas and rules of resale for tickets.


Series consists of news clippings and a small poster advertising the Royal Court Entertainers.

Clippings and Ephemera

This series contains ephemera and loose newspaper clippings related to the Hamilton Cricket Club. For preservation purposes, most material is encapsulated.


Series consists of documents pertaining to educational functions of RHCM, including teacher lists, staff reports and staff biographical materials. Series also contains class schedules, schedules of fees, programs, course outlines and faculty evaluations. There is material pertaining to convocation ceremonies, adjudicator remarks, faculty evaluations and exams. Series also contains a large fellowship certificate, a graduation hood and 12 photographs of a convocation ceremony.


Series consists of photographs of employees, interior of the mailroom, offices, and Dundas manufacturing plant. Photo studios include: The Roy Studio, bob. brown studios, Bill Barrett, Rapid Grip and Batten Limited, Walker Studio, Donald V. Monk, and Superior Engravers.


Series consists of a certificate for a Gold Record Award, given to Bernie Hughes, and a typed autobiographical document written by Elaine Hughes about her life and musical career.

Events and poetry workshops

Series consists of promotional material related to events that the Society hosted such as poetry workshops, speakers, presentations, poetry launches, as well as community events that the Society participated and contributed in organizing. The series also consists of records related to the Society’s 40th, 50th, and 60th anniversary celebrations.

Opera Productions

Series consists of correspondence between Opera Hamilton and potential visiting artists, as well as Boris Brott, performance feedback forms, notes of thanks, an overview of Opera Hamilton’ productions, program addendums from sponsors, typed reviews of performances, show tickets and a study guide. The series also includes Season Guides and Show Programs dating from 1979-2012. Series also consists of video recording of live broadcasts of Opera Hamilton performances on CHCH channel 11, as well as audio recording of performances and rehearsals.


Series consists of news clippings related to the Hamilton Opera Company and promotional materials for the company’s productions.


Series consists of material related to the creation of productions of the Hamilton Savoyards, including auditorium plans, cast lists, make up guides, rehearsal schedules, scripts and potential opera selections. Series also consists of a selection of opera songbooks and photographs depicting casts in costume on stage.


Series consists of 31 black and white portrait images of country musicians. Almost all of the photographs are signed to Bernie & Elaine Hughes. Series also consists of 2 oversize photographs, one of Elaine, Bernie and the band at the Jockey Club, 1963, and another of the Western Five featuring Smiling Bill, 1967.

Financial Records

Series consists of documents pertaining to appraisals, audits, budgets, donations, grants, insurance and taxes. Series also contains material related to the RHCM’s fundraising campaign, including financial campaign materials, canvasser information, patron lists and submissions for funding. A collection of annual financial reports and statements of revenue and expenditure is also included in this series.

Fixtures and schedules

This series contains yearly publications created by the Hamilton and District Cricket League, concerning their schedule and club executives for the season. As well, it contains schedules created by various clubs prior to the establishment of the Hamilton and District Cricket League.


Series consists of board meeting minutes and two minute books. Series also contains minutes from annual meetings and various committees including the executive committee, fundraising committee and planning and programming committee. Series also contains annual and committee reports.


Series consists of fundraising materials, newspaper clippings, Opera Hamilton newsletters, pamphlets, a poster, and subscription materials. The series also consists of publications which include articles pertaining to or mentioning Opera Hamilton.


Series consists of show advertisements, newspaper clippings related to Elaine & Bernie Hughes’ musical career and 2 publications that feature articles about Bernie & Elaine. The series also contains a large vinyl banner, used as stage decoration for their country shows and two promotional pins.


Series consists of correspondence related to RHCM’s affiliations, building maintenance and repairs, faculty correspondence, documents related to the RHCM’s instruments, fellowships publicity and sample letterheads. Series also contains correspondence in the form of customer complaints, fundraising dialogues and general correspondence from 1964-1965.

Scores and Standings

This series contains scorebooks, league standings and player batting averages. This series contains scorebooks, league standings and player batting averages. Scorebooks cover the years 1935 to 1946, 1949 to 1990 and 1995-1996.


Series consists of two scrapbooks compiled by Elaine Hughes. Scrapbooks contain photographs, publications, personal letters, greeting cards and newspaper clippings.
One scrapbook focuses on material related to the music and career of Elaine and Bernie Hughes, up until his death in 1981. The other scrapbook contains material mainly related to the music and careers of Elaine Hughes and Smiling Bill McCormack.


Series consists of brochures, newsletters to parents, newspaper clippings and yearbooks. Series also contains a fact sheet used for fundraising purposes, an interview, script and speeches made by RCHM representatives.


Series consists of one Holy Bible, which contains details about the Van Sickle family of Lynden; and two pocket-sized prayer books, containing select readings from the BIble.

Papers about the college

Series consists of documentation pertaining to the history of Wesleyan Ladies' College, including a paper by Louise M. Griffith, whose father, W.P. Wright, taught at Wesleyan, a paper and handwritten notes by Freda F. Waldon, and the act to incorporate the college (1861).


Series consists of letters of appreciation from various organizations, agencies and individuals such as hospitals, nursing homes, shelters and grateful parents, for Jimmy Lomax’s Santa visits and his distribution of toys and items from Operation Santa Claus, letters of donation, Christmas and thank you cards, as well as letters to Santa. Many of the letters mention and appreciate Jimmy’s kindness and generosity towards the less fortunate in society. Some of the cards and letters were also addressed to the Lomax family, including his wife Susan, and his son Ryan, for their part in Operation Santa Claus role-playing as Mrs. Claus and Santa Junior.

Administrative Records

Series consists of meeting minutes for the Active Service Canteen from May 2, 1941 to November 8, 1944. The minutes include items such as nominations of officers, establishment of rules and regulations for the canteen, the patrons, and the volunteers, a volunteer application form, rules and procedures for volunteer duties, schedules and attire, the creation of various committees such as the entertainment committee, the purchasing committee, the magazine committee and the visiting committee, the daily operations of the canteen, issues arising from volunteers or patrons, canteen finances, food and beverage pricing and menu items, as well as equipment inventories and repairs. This series also consists of two canteen administration logbooks. The first one is dated January 26, 1943 to March 19, 1945, and records instructions, suggestions, criticisms, complaints, item breakages, as well as any essential equipment repairs and replacement. The members were asked to enter their comments, sign and date the entry. One of the entries includes a comment about stretching butter with cream due to the rationing of certain foods during the war. There is also a newspaper clipping pasted into the book with positive feedback about the canteen from a navy sailor stationed in Hamilton. The second canteen logbook dates from 1941 to 1945 and has sections divided by letter tabs, which record the administrative operations of the canteen mostly by subject alphabetically, rather than by chronological date. Subjects include, but are not limited to, committees, donations, equipment, meetings, purchases, suggestions, supplies, transportation and volunteers. The book has a number of loose-leaf pages throughout, but also a number added at the end of the volume, including a few newspaper clippings about the canteen.

Military Records

Series consists of three undated militia muster rolls including one for Captain Hatt’s Company of Volunteers of the 5th Lincoln and 2nd York Militia, which lists the names of the soldiers including Daniel McAfee and Sergeant Angus McAfee, a muster roll of Captain James Durand’s 2nd Flank Company of the 5th Lincoln Militia, which also lists Sergeant Angus McAfee and Daniel McAfee, and a roll call of Captain Andrew Kerby’s Company. There is also a partial pay list of the 5th Lincoln Militia dated December 25, 1812 to May 24, 1813, for Sergeants Angus McAfee and George Hughson, Regimental Orders from Fort Detroit dating from 1809, a Military Return for Lieutenant Robert Young’s Company, First Haldimand Militia dated June 4, 1841, detailing the number of men present on parade, absent with leave, absent without leave, and absent due to sickness, as well as a travel authorization pass for Angus McAfee, given at the police office in Montreal, Quebec, dated February 4, 1814.

Administrative Records

The material in the fonds consists of four volumes of administrative records pertaining to the Hamilton Branch of the Soldiers' Aid Commission. Two of the volumes are attendance books, including an undated book listing all the soldiers who attended dinners hosted by the Soldiers Aid Commission upon returning from overseas, as well as a meeting attendance book. There are also two volumes of meeting minutes for the Ontario Minutes Soldiers' Aid Commission, Hamilton Branch, dated December 1916 to October 1921, and November 1921 to November 1928.

Property Records

Subseries consists of land ownership materials, including land grants and deeds, records documenting the transfer of land ownership, such as an indenture between George Hamilton and David Farley regarding land in Hamilton, and land grants for the Township of Harvey. Subseries also contains a memorial deed of partition, leases, a petition for a claim on land lots, a certificate of a land survey, notices for sale of properties, receipts for payment of taxes and rents, acknowledgements for receipts of land and money, as well as correspondence and lot surveys concerning the town of Preston, Ontario.

Business Transaction Records

Series consists of records pertaining to business transactions, including mortgage documents, release of trusts and trustees, promissory notes, investment statements, cash statements, receipts and an agreement regarding apprenticeship.

Property Records

Subseries consists of property records including, land grants and deeds, leases, searches for lot title deeds, land lots, and releases of liens on land.

Family Photographs and Paintings

Series consists of photographs of various members of the Lewis Family, including a family portrait, as well as photographs of Thomas and Ann Lewis, Eleanor Lewis, Flora Lewis and Julia Arthur. The series also contains 2 miniature framed paintings of Thomas and Eleanor Lewis, which are attributed to artist Hannah Rusk Kelly.

Julia Arthur

Subseries consists of various photographs of actress Julia Arthur posing in costume, acting on stage, as well as engaging in activities such as reading.

Administrative Records

Series consists of administrative records including information on the history of the Board of Trade, the Constitution and Act to Incorporate the Board of Trade of the City of Hamilton, acts and petitions, revised constitution and by-laws, member ship lists, a membership application and fee schedule, a freight rate and operations log, meeting minutes and agendas for the Board of Directors, annual reports, records for the Ancaster and Dundas divisions of the Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

Book Manuscripts

Series consists of two original draft manuscripts written by Thomas McIlwraith. The first manuscript is for the "Birds of Ontario" [n.d.], which is a concise account of every species of bird known to have been found in Ontario, along with a description of the nests and eggs. The second manuscript is the "Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Hamilton" [1860].

Junior Audubon Club

Subseries consists of records of the Junior Audubon Club, which was a club for children interested in nature and wildlife preservation. The material includes a record book consisting of the lists of schools and teachers involved in the Club, meeting minutes and bird club statistical records. In 1986, this club partnered with the Royal Botanical Gardens to form the Hamilton Junior Naturalists’ Club to instill in children a life-long appreciation and respect for the environment and the natural world. This subserie also includes photographs from the Junior Club program Worm Watch that took place at the Royal Botanical Gardens Nature Centre in 2000.

Minute books

Series consists of minute books for meetings of the Municipal Chapter, including subseries for house committee and property committee meetings, as well as a subseries for the Khaki Club, which documents the Municipal Chapter's contributions to the Khaki Club. Minute books are arranged by type of meeting, then chronologically by date of meeting.

Wright Fruit Company

File consists of photographs of Wright Fruit Company, established in April 1927 by chief shareholders, Solomon Wright and Percy Wright. Wright Fruit Company carried on a wholesale and commission business originally from 25 York Street, with other facilities at 77 MacNab Street North and 31 York Street in Hamilton. Facilities included climate-controlled ripening rooms for items such as tomatoes that arrived green and took up to two weeks to ripen enough for sale.

Results 1 to 100 of 1260